7:01 am June 5, 2019

45 10 13


I woke up to my alarm blaring.

Sitting straight up on my bed, I grabbed my phone from my bedside table to check the date. It's yesterday! June 5, 2019.

I slapped my face twice and got up. It hurts! It's not a dream. If Henry comes through then it's really real. 

As if on cue, my bedroom door opened and Henry peeked his head inside my room. "I made omelette and French toast. I'm off to bed. Don't forget to lock the door," the usual spiel. He squinted his dark blue eyes at me, nothing gets past him. "You look weirder than usual, Egghead. What's up?"

Henry's concern for me is genuine but the dark bags under his eyes and his two jobs say that he has enough on his plate. I don't want to add my high-concept Sci-Fi rigamarole into it. "Nothing. Just hungry," I replied, already looking to grab my things. I have to get to Mark before anything else does.  

"Sure, Egghead. Just call me if you need me to pick you up. I'll be here until three," he said, trying to stop a yawn from coming out. Instead, it made his eyes squint and his nostrils flare. How girls find my brother attractive continues to baffle me. He looks kind of like a domesticated ox.

"Just sleep. I'll be back before seven. It's high school, Hen. Nothing exciting ever happens there," I even rolled my eyes for maximum effect. His tall figure loomed in my doorway making my room look even smaller.

My older brother still won't buy it. "Uh-huh. Sure, Sid. Go save the wold or whatever it is that you high school kids do nowadays," he said waving his hand in dismissal. When he finally left me alone, I was able to take a shower. There's not time to wait around for my hair to dry so I braided it down my back like I usually do. It fell just above my hip. 

I sprinted to the bus stop. Mark and his friends have cars and are already at school now. They usually come at six even with no practice because they are the kings of the place. They take their breakfast on the sports field and I'd like to be there to take him away.

There are usually four rules to time travel:

1. Don't interact with other people in said timeline.

2. Don't meddle.

3. Don't take anything.

4. Come back to the present as soon as possible.

There are probably more but I don't want to think about it because I know that I'm about to break them all today. The timeline will probably try to revert itself back to normal and eliminate Mark so it can continue again in a linear pattern but I have already bent it and it will not win this round. 

I got to Sherwood High and stared up at the building that I got in and out of for the last four years. It was intimidating but at the same time homely, like a strict aunt who knows your secret but still likes you. I pushed open the glass doors and greeted our security guard. Mr. Fitzpatrick gave me a small salute, used to me coming earlier than the other students. 

The sports field is the pride and glory of our school, acres of sprawling green. So much more than theater and much, much more than the laboratories. This is where legends are made. I say this without a grudge because I can cook up my own greatness in my own room, just give me a couple of old phones and an AA battery. The testament to this is the 3210 Nokia Phone turned time travel machine. If everything goes according to plan.

I immediately spotted him, making me run down the bleachers in excitement. I should have tried harder to control myself. The early morning sun cast its soft light on him. Or maybe he had been glowing in the first place. I swallowed down the sob that bubbled up my throat, stomped down my urge to run to his arms, making me shake in place with the pent up energy. I remembered the way he embraced me so tightly even before I was able to say that I like him too. I remembered the way he smelled and the way his hard muscles felt against my body.

But wanting something I'm not supposed to have got us into this mess in the first place.

His laughter is the loudest, drowning out all the words in the conversation that he and his friends are having. His hazel eyes found mine and his face broke out in a huge grin that could have blinded me if I was standing a foot nearer. "Cassidy!" he called. He took a huge bite of whatever he was eating and crumpled the brown bag into a ball which he threw in the trashcan. It went in without him even watching. 

I felt my skin breaking out in nervous goosebumps with every step he made. "Hi," I managed to say. His huge football friends are all watching us, they're probably going to make fun of me later. Oh, God.

No, God didn't lend a hand to this one. If you're going to call someone, call Einstein. 

Oh, Einstein. Thank you for blessing us with your theories.

Mark blocked my view of his friends with his face. There was a little tic of annoyance on his chiseled jaw but the dimple was there all the same and my heart dropped to my stomach. "Did the great Miss Cassidy McDonell came to ask one of my loser friends out?"

"No," I swallowed. "I came here for you."

The annoyed tic was gone replaced with a slight red on his cheeks and an amused smirk. "How can I be of service?"

I thought this through. I just need one day. Just until the sun sets. Maybe the timeline will be forgiving then. "I need a favor and I figured because you're a guy then maybe you can help. Don't really have many guy friends and you're-- like-- the closest choice."

"Is this the part where you ask me to become your fake boyfriend? Because I'm game," Mark chuckled and I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him as he laughed. He looks so alive and real. I need to touch him to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

I took a deep breath that must have resembled a sigh because he stopped laughing, "I need help picking a gift for my brother. I--"

"Yo, Chad! Get my yearbook signed. We're going to get Henry McDonell a present!" 

There was a collected deep 'WHOMP' followed by the words 'LONG LIVE'. Perhaps my brother is a little bit of a legend still. I felt Mark's arm around my shoulder, the first time he has ever touched me in this timeline. He felt so warm, I can already feel my stubborn skin heating up even through my clothes.

"I'm afraid this is going to take all day, Cassidy. The malls won't open until ten," he told me as we walked down the hall. The other students who are already making their way to their homerooms stared at us. I kept my gaze on my faded sneakers and his obviously brand new ones. I doubt he even wears the same one in a week. 

"Are you listening?"

I blinked up at him. His hazel eyes felt like sunshine on my face. "What?"

"I asked you if you had breakfast because I'm still hungry and because I'm craving pancakes," he pulled out his iPhone XR and typed something. "IHOP is open. Let's go?"

My eyes scanned the halls for my pink haired best friend Layla. When I saw the familiar spacebuns I dashed to her and hugged her as tight as I could. She jumped up at the attack, coffee almost spilling from her hydro flask. "Dude!" she screeched as I kissed her on both cheeks. 

"Layla," I said because I don't know when we'll see each other again and I have a feeling that we won't for a long time.

She took my face in her hand, some of my hair getting caught in her rings. "I thought you don't like physical contact and we'll have to stick to words of affirmation?" I stared at her bare freckled face and tried to memorize it in my head.

"Layla Pappas," a voice said from behind me then I felt the strong arm drape across my shoulder. "We're getting breakfast. Wanna come with?"

Layla rose one eyebrow in regard of Mark. "Mark Russo," she mimicked his tone sarcastically, "Some of us have to get to class and not all of us have your metabolism. So, no thanks."

Mark chuckled. "Too bad," I'm too aware of his arm on me, his skin sticking to mine. "Shall we?" I felt his warm breath on my neck and I straightened up, trying to put as much space as I could between us but I'm trapped. My body is going on overdrive. 

"See you later, Layla," I grabbed her free hand and pressed. "I miss you already."

Mark stirred me but I looked back. Layla was wearing an approving smile on her plump lips. She smacked my bum and whispered 'Get that beefcake'.

My face heated up in a blush.

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