Part 13

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Part 13

'I bet Mr Collins is not coming' Brooke whines in her incredibly annoying voice, why the hell does she have to be in this class.

'He's only five minutes late' Ethan says looking at Brooke with disgust, hah even he has some common sense.

'But sir's never late' again she whines.

'Yeah, he's always here before the bell' Kenna agrees looking to Brooke for approval, pathetic!!

'Don't worry he'll be here' I say half annoyed it's only been five minutes.

'How do you know Lyndsey? Huh?'

'Duh he's been here all day, why would he leave for his last lesson' Hannah says, giving me a wink, you got to love her.

'Yeah the nerd is right' Ethan pipes in, giving Hannah a once over.

'Excuse me at least I will become something in life, you're just a brainless jock.' Hannah snaps at him, you call her a nerd she's obviously going to retaliate.

'Ouch, so you're not just a nerd, you've got a mouth, that's hot.' He replies giving her a signature jock smirk.

'And she's taken' axel says gruffly speaking for the first time since we entered class.

'Oh she's another one of your girls.' Ethan says exaggerating the 'your' way too much, everyone thing axel a player and sleeps around, even the twins and Hannah think that, they couldn't be more wrong though.

'If by that you mean she's like a little sister to me, then yes, so you stay away from her' axel grits out giving his famous glare.

'So she's not yours.' Ethan replies with a grin.

'No but my boyfriend is one of his best friends, and if I wasn't taken I wouldn't dream of dating a brainless jock, how the hell are you in an AP class?' han says followed by a few burns from some of the other jocks, it's all playful banter though, nothing too serious, everyone gets along well except for Brooke, no body like the slut.

'I have a brain, thank you very much' Ethan huffs in defeat.

'That's enough of that, I'm sorry I'm late class; I had an emergency I had to take care of' Mr Collins says strolling into class.

'What happened sir.' Brooke purrs, urghh he's mine stay away.

'My son had a little accident' Blake says making eye contact with me.

'Is he okay?' I ask scared was it josh or Derek.

'Yes josh's fine, just a little fall, I'm going to set you some work, and then I'm afraid I'll have to leave, I've left the kids with Mr Tordoff.' Blake reassures with a slight smile.

'There in school' Mandy asks

'Yes' he nods looking through some sheets on his desk.

'Aww can we see them.' She asks with a hopeful grin.

'I'm afraid that's not allowed now you'll need to do the questions from page 23 all the way to page 26, got it?'

'Yes sir's' go around the class.

'Alright then a teaching assistant will be here in a moment, behave' he gives us the look and proceeds out of the class, as soon as he's gone I quickly take out my phone and text Blake 'What happed to josh?'

'He fell of the swings.'

'Is he okay??'

'Just a busted lip, he's okay'

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