Chapter 17: The final battle!

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Robin attacked Slade, he got dodged by Slade at first but then landed a powerful hit cracking his mask.
Starfire kept on throwing Starbolts at him and he got hit more than once.
Beast Boy turned into a bull and hit him hard.
Slade also threw him off causing BB to hit the wall.
Batman kicked him on the face cracking his mask further more.
Starfire took him to air and then smashed him to the upper wall and then threw him to the ground.
Before Slade could do anything,  Robin and Batman both landed a powerful punch together and he fell to the ground and then Batman hand cuffed him to a nearby strong pole.

"Your next stop, A asylum slash Jail" said Batman.

Robin asked,"Cyborg, any news?"

"No! This thing is just too stubborn! It's not getting deactivated!" Answered Cyborg.

BB now stood up and said "I have a solution for that!"


"Many electronic goods need beating to work!" He remarked.
He picked up the hammer and said "Let's wreck it!" .

"Hold on there! It's a destructive machine we are talking about any mistake and we go boom!" Said Cyborg as he catches BB from breaking it.

The shaking of ground increased and everything started to tremble.

"Looks like we don't have much time left, we need to be quick!" Said Robin.

Cyborg, then again sat and managed to get to the core chemical distributor.
"No sudden moves okay?" He asked.

Slade tried to break out his handcuff and he constantly moved and intentionally caused noise so that the core part blasts but Batman kicked him in his stomach.
Slade angrily remarked "You will pay for that!"

Then footsteps were heard,

"Oh Titans~
Joker's back!" He came as he brought back Jinx, who was defeated and was not able to move.

"Jinx!" Everyone shouted.
"This is what happens when you try to stop a mad man!" He remarked as he threw the fainted Jinx to the ground.

"Raven, form a shield around Cyborg and the machine now!" Ordered Robin and She did.

Cyborg then calmly took out the wires and started deactivating them one by one.

"Joker, free me now!" Shouted Slade.

"Nah. I don't want a ordering dad around me!" He answered.

"That pink girl tried to stop me, but got defeated after some punches of mine!"

Raven threw her magic bolts at him but he dodged.
He kicked Batman and punched Robin causing a bruise on his face, Starfire constantky threw Star bolts at him but he dodged and starting shooting at her.
Beast boy turned into a bee and sting him.
"Ooww!" He shouted.
He then turned into a crab and kept on pinching him.

Batman taking the opportunity hit  him and Robin threw Birdarangs at him.
Joker then fell to the ground bleeding and not getting up, he became unconscious.

Cyborg now had a option either to cut the red wire, or the yellow wire.
The ground shaking violently now since now a bad earthquake started at a Gotham City due to the machine.

He scratched his head and Cyborg then knocked at the shield and Raven opened it, he shouted "Which wire should I cut? Red or Yellow?"

BB said "let's say red is ketchup and yellow is mustard,... I pick the ketchup one then!"

"It's not about eating Beast Boy! It's saving the world, we are talking about!" Said Robin.

"Agreed" said Starfire and Raven nodded.

"Okay then, pretty bad logic but Cutting the red, here goes nothing!" He said as he cut the wire which is red.
The machine became quiet.
Everyone breathed a relief of sigh.
But then the machine started making loud beep noises, making everyone shocked but then the machine turned off on its own and the ground shaking stopped.

"Phew" said Robin.

"So, we are victorious?" Asked Starfire.

"Looks that way" said Raven.

"We need to heal Jinx!" Said BB

Raven moved and healed her, she woke up and smiled.

"Now, it's time to go home, Jinx, thanks for the help, Raven?"

Raven nodded and opened a portal and said "This will lead to Jump City"

"It was my pleasure to help you, as she went away from the portal and the portal disappeared.

"I contacted the authorities, they will be here to take these criminals to their destinations" answered Batman.

"Now, we saved the entire world, now I want a meat party!" Said Cyborg.

"No! Tofu!" Said BB.

"No fake meat!"

"Yes, Fake meat!"

Everyone except Raven laughed.
Robin's mask was teared a bit and became loose after all this.

Then Joker regained his senses, saw Batman and reached for his gun, Robin noticed him aiming for Batman, he called "Batman!" As he pushed him out of the way and Joker shooted, his bullet shot Robin on the  shoulder at the same spot which got hit 3 years ago...
Robin fell to the ground as Starfire shot a starbolt at Joker, knocking him down again.
She screamed "ROBIN!!!!!!!" As he held him.
"ROBIN!" Cried out Raven, Cyborg and BB at the same time.

Robin's vision became blurry as he lost consciousness and he saw and heard at the last moments his friends calling out his name and the siren of police...Batman taking a tweezer and his mask opening  and then he lost his consciousness.

To be continued...

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