7. Iwaoi: I Love You

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When Iwaizumi struggled with low self esteem, Oikawa would enter his focused mental state that usually only came out during important games and rub circles on Iwaizumi's back, while whispering words of encouragement.

And when Oikawa pushed himself to the brink of injury, serving jump serve after jump serve to force talent to bloom, Iwaizumi would slap him hard across the face and say exactly what Oikawa needed to hear. It was often something along the lines of 'you're good enough, Tooru', but when Oikawa was impossible to dissuade, Iwaizumi would pick up a ball and scream 'I care about you so- so fucking much Tooru, so don't you dare go through this shit without me!' before serving with him.

To everyone they encountered, it was clear to see that the pair weren't just a setter and his ace. They were made for each other.

And as they made their way back to their respective homes, six feet apart because they swore they weren't gay but still dragging their feet to make the moment last longer, it was apparent that it was now or never.

Iwaizumi broke the silence. "You'll probably spend your whole life chasing volleyball because you're just a troublesome guy, but keep moving forward without hesitation." He said, fighting to keep his voice even. This was why he'd never confess. Oikawa was devoted to playing volleyball... and girls.

But his heart throbbed in disagreement, so Iwaizumi came to an abrupt halt. He wasn't going to let the person he loved and cherished most in the world slip through his fingers.

Iwaizumi figured this confession would probably go one of two ways- either he'd get rejected and save himself years of pining over a guy who'd never love him back, or he'd be with Tooru. Like, actually be with Tooru. And to him, those were pretty good odds.

He pictured Oikawa's smile, the one he couldn't go a day without. Hell, he even replayed Oikawa's obnoxious 'Iwa-chan!' in his head to give him strength to say what needed to be said. And so with this newfound courage, Iwaizumi said, "You're my partner that I'm proud of and... a really incredible setter. Even if we play on different teams, that'll never change."

Oikawa grinned, sending butterflies soaring into Iwaizumi's chest. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Umm... but I have to tell you something, because I want to beat your ass with no regrets." Iwaizumi blurted out, not wanting the conversation to lapse back into silence.

Oikawa's eyes widened the slightest bit, but he sent Iwaizumi an easy smile. "Well, spit it out then, Iwa-chan." Oikawa waited with bated breath, his fingers trembling in anticipation. Was Iwa-chan about to...

"I like you." Iwaizumi confessed, looking Oikawa in the eye. "Your ambition, your constant need to improve, your stupid smile when you call me Iwa-chan... I love everything about you, Tooru. And I don't know why you've chosen a brash caveman like me to be your partner, but I'm going to be selfish and ask if we can be more than that."

Oikawa didn't even blink. "Why now, Hajime?" He whispered, sending chills up Iwaizumi's spine. The night air seemed to plummet to freezing, and Iwaizumi compensated for his lost courage by raising his voice.

"Goddamnit, I don't want to leave you without telling you how I feel!" He shouted, more miserable than angry. "I know you're not gay, but I just wanted to say it. And now I can say goodbye in peace, I guess." He mumbled, knowing his heart was far from contentment. Tears threatened to well up in his eyes, so he fixed his gaze on the ground. "Well, goodbye Oikawa-"

"Don't call me that." Oikawa said softly, closing the gap between him and his ace. The Great King's slight smile spread across his face, becoming a wide grin that radiated pure bliss. "It's Tooru now and forever, even when we're old geezers playing volleyball with VR headsets, Hajime."

"W-what?" Iwaizumi choked out.

"Hajime!! Are you crying?!" Oikawa yelped, frantically dabbing away the tears spilling down Iwaizumi's cheeks, only for the ace to slap his hand away. "Hey! What are you-"

"Why didn't you say anything?" Iwaizumi asked quietly. He wiped at his eyes. "All you ever do is flirt with girls. If you're going to reject me, stop being sentimental and get it over with. I'll be fine."

"Are you kidding me?! I flirted with you more than all the other girls combined!" Oikawa recklessly grabbed Iwaizumi by the collar, fury burning in his irises. "You called me Shittykawa everyday, dumbass. You clearly friendzoned me, but I never gave up on  you! All those times I put my head in your lap and squeezed your hand, did it really mean nothing to you?"

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me romantically, and for good reason! I literally told you I was gay, but you never said anything about your sexuality! And to top of off, you're the biggest whore in the prefecture!" Iwaizumi argued.

Adrian if you're reading this STOP RN ITS PG-14

"Have you met Terushima? He has a tongue piercing!" Oikawa protested. "And I've never gone past flirting with anyone. Do you know why? Well, it's because I wanted to be your whore!" Oikawa screamed, desperately cupping Iwaizumi's face in his hands.

They locked eyes for a second, but to Iwaizumi, it felt longer. Then Oikawa pulled him close and pressed their lips together in a steady, slow movement that the setter clearly didn't want to rush.

Everything melted away until it was just them and the moment that was finally here. The kiss was warm and spoke volumes; a whispered I want you, a long awaited I need you, and of course, I love you.

They pulled away, only to come up for air. Iwaizumi was too stunned to speak, while Oikawa let out a maniacal laugh. Finally, he thought.

"Well miscommunication aside, you have no idea how happy you've made me." Oikawa managed to say between giggles. "I just didn't know how to tell you! I thought I was so obvious." He wiped a tear from his eye; whether it was from hysteria or joy, Iwaizumi couldn't tell.

"Tooru." Was all Iwaizumi could say.

"Hajime." The latter replied simply, having regained his composure.

Iwaizumi tentatively reached out to hold Oikawa's hand. Their fingers intertwined like they were born to latch on to each other.

"I love you."

A/N: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Iwaoi. The only acceptable Oikawa ship, hands down. I might make a one shots book if I feel up to it!

What I like most about this one shot is that you don't know who says 'I love you' in the end. It's ambiguous but I like to think that they both did, just at the same time.

I also just finished taking my AP exams, and to be honest, they went really well! How'd you guys do? I think I lucked out on all my questions.

Lastly, please don't forget to vote for this chapter! Also, I will be significantly revising Oikawa x Reader 'I'm Right Here' since it's so popular despite HOW BAD IT IS. So, look forward to that I guess?

Anyways, I'm back! And I've missed you all :)

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