6. Interesting (ft. Sakusa, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Oikawa)

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A/N: I've spoiled you guys with this chapter! Seriously, I'm so proud :)

Word Count: 2262

I sprint in the direction Sakusa went before realizing I have no idea where I'm going.

"Great... alright, if I were a germaphobe with Komori's spit all over my face, where would I go? Bath and Body Works? The dorms?" I take a step forward. "No, it's got to be a nearby bathroom."

I manage to quickly navigate my way to the boy's bathroom, where I encounter another problem: I may be living in the boy's dorms, but I'm a girl! I consider going back for Komori so I don't have to venture into the bathroom alone, but ultimately decide against it. Komori still has to practice, after all.

Straightening my shoulders, I push open the door and hope Sakusa's alone in there. I breathe a sigh of relief when I catch sight of his yellow t-shirt.

He's hunched over a sink, his fingers gripping the edges for support. He seems shaken, but at least he isn't guzzling hand sanitizer. At the sound of the door being pushed open, Sakusa pushes himself up with a defeated sigh.

"Don't worry Komori, I'm alright."

"Are you?" I ask. Sakusa whips his head around, revealing his stunned face. Water drips down his pale skin like blood flowing from a head wound. His eyes are wide, but he doesn't seem angry. He just looks surprised.

"(l/n)! What are you doing here?" He exclaims, releasing his firm hold on the sink.

"The coach told me to check on you," I say, hesitantly moving closer. "Sakusa... are you really okay? You look paler and your hands are shaking." Sakusa looks down at his trembling arms.

"Fuck." I flinch back, but Sakusa's anger isn't directed at me. He stretches his palms out in front of him and watches them tremble, his eyes burning with intensity, as if willing them to stop. "Fuck!" He throws his hands down.


"(l/n), there's nothing you can do, so just- just stop talking." Sakusa commands harshly. "I know. I already know! Don't tell me I can't avoid germs, and don't ask me why I can't just- suck it up and be less of a 'Windex Wanda'. Has it ever occurred to you that I'm trying my best?"

It's the most I've heard him say in one breath.

I grit my teeth and stare at the floor. I shouldn't have called him that. Why did I keep making stupid puns about germs? Why did I instantly assume that, based on his demeanor, Sakusa wouldn't be hurt by my insensitive remarks?

Silence fills the cold restroom. Sakusa must sense my guilt because I feel his eyes on me.

"I didn't mean to shout." I lift my head to meet his gaze. "It's... complicated." He tells me, running his fingers through his windblown hair. The action appears to soothe him and his tremors visibly lessen. I think that's his coping mechanism.

"Sakusa," I say quietly. His name melts on my tongue like snow. "When I said I wanted to be friends I wasn't fucking around. I want to be there for you. Friends talk to each other to get things off their chests and laugh and cry about it afterwards without judgement. We don't have to do that of course-" I exclaim quickly, seeing Sakusa bite his lip in discomfort- "-but I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. I promise I'll be more empathetic... everyone's afraid of something, and yours just happens to be more interesting."

Sakusa grunts, and I'm reminded of Tsukishima's 'tch'. "Interesting?" he repeats.

"Yeah, like you. And it's not because you're the #1 ace in the nation." I tell him. A flicker of surprise flashes across his irises. We stand there; in a moment that seems to exist out of time. As the seconds tick by, Sakusa's grim expression slowly changes into one of contemplation. He eyes me warily, but even that continues to loosen.

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