4. Breakfast (ft. Komori and Sakusa)

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Word Count: 1408

Sakusa and I are still discussing our favorite songs and lyrics when we enter the empty dining hall. From the looks of it, the buffet style food stations have just opened. Tantalizing aromas drift out the open door, passing my nose on the way. Sakusa and I both pick up trays, but Sakusa pauses and takes something out of his school bag. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it's a travel sized pack of disinfectant wipes.

"Sakusa," says a kitchen staff member passing by, "our trays are cleaned every night and every morning. We keep telling you-"

"-yes, you keep telling me." Sakusa hastily interrupts, wiping down the tray with forceful motions. He won't look me in the eye. After a thorough cleaning, he tosses the wipe into a garbage can and walks off, tray in hand. He's heading towards the salad bar, but does he really want a shadow following him around? What if the morning walk was only an apologetic gesture, nothing more?

    "Hey, (l/n)." I turn and see Sakusa waiting at the front of the salad bar, an expectant look in his eyes. He gestures for me to come over, and I nearly drop my tray as I fall in line behind him. Once I reach his side, Sakusa raises an eyebrow.

    "I thought you wouldn't want me following you around." I explain.

    "I'm not sick of you yet, so don't worry too much." Sakusa says as we continue down the salad bar. I try to mask my laughter by holding my breath, but Sakusa immediately notices because- well, he's Sakusa. "Did I say something funny?" He questions, to no avail. I'm laughing freely now, and barely manage to maintain my composure.

     "You're not sick of me yet." I manage to get out before full on cackling. Sakusa's eyes widen in realization before narrowing into a glare.

    "Well, now I am." He grumbles, adjusting his medical mask to prove his point.

    "Don't be jealous of my sick puns, Sakusa." Sakusa stiffens and places some cucumbers onto his plate wordlessly. Oh, crap. I think I just discovered the only thing Sakusa's sensitive about. 

"Hey- Sakusa. If it really bothers you, I won't mention anything related to... it." I avoid the word germaphobia. "And I'm not judging you, either! At Karasuno, Hinata sang bathroom songs every day. They went like this- bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, bathroom! The time to pee has come-"

    "You're going to be the death of me." Sakusa says, his voice slightly softer.

And I swear, my heart does a flip. Just last night, Sakusa was throwing all these insults up into the air- claiming that I only watched volleyball for the guys, and inflating his ego until it- no, I burst. Almost burst into tears thinking about my old team, to be exact. But during the early morning, when the whole world was asleep and we were the only ones awake- Sakusa crystallized. The more I look at him, the more I talk to him, the more I see him from different angles...

He reflects new colors. He gives off light.

Maybe I hit a sore spot when we met... he does seem like the overly competitive type.

Well, I'm glad I was quick to forgive him. People say forgiveness makes you weak, but look at us now. We moved past it, and now we're eating breakfast together.

By the time Komori joins us, his tray completely covered in a grand breakfast spread, Sakusa and I have both finished our food and are caught up in casual conversation.

"Alright, on to the hard questions- did Courtney Love kill Kurt Cobain?" I ask Sakusa, who sits opposite of me. (Nirvana stuff... don't worry, pop culture trivia won't come up a lot)

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