1. Karasuno-> Itachiyama (ft. Karasuno)

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Word Count: 1979

The series of events that led up to moving from Miyagi prefecture to Tokyo were a distorted blur. When the bullet train shot past the countryside and approached the nearing city, the feeling of leaving everything behind had really sunken in. I was no longer co-manager of the Karasuno boys volleyball team. Gone were the familiar streets and hills of Miyagi; I would have to get used to the tainted air that hung over big cities like poison gas.

At least my new highschool has dorms, making apartment hunting unnecessary. I got off the bullet train an hour ago, but I'm already at Itachiyama Academy. Kageyama and I watched their volleyball team win national's on live TV last year.

A faculty member steps out of the gleaming glass doors a few minutes after I arrive.

"(f/n, l/n)?" He asks, a broad smile settling upon his face.

"That's me."

"It's nice to meet you! My name is Mr. Uchicha-"

I'm sorry, Uchicha?

"-And I'll be escorting you to your dorm room."

I shove my hands into the front pocket of my sweatshirt and follow him to the girl's dorms, my footsteps surprisingly silent upon the smooth paved road. Students mill about on the large campus, talking into smart phones or heading to the city with friends.

Mr. Uchicha says something about my luggage being in my room, but I barely hear him. My eyes are fixed on the ground.

This isn't happening.

I don't belong here.

If I had just gone home right after school that day, maybe I would still be with them. I think selfishlessly. Then I shake my head defiantly and clench my hands into fists.

What's done is done.

(flashback, one week prior to leaving Miyagi)

"HINATA BOKE!" Kageyama yells at (you guessed it) Hinata from the other side of the net.

It's nearly 7 pm, andwe're finally taking everything down. I erase the whiteboard with broad, angry strokes. Kiyoko, the other manager and one year my senior, puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. She and Daichi know what's coming.

No one else does.

"Oi! You failed your exams too, Kageyama." Tanaka roars, emerging from the supply closet.

"I used to think milk made you smarter," Tsukishima says to Yamaguchi, "But then I met Kageyama."

Kageyama stops arguing with Hinata to fire back at Tsukishima. "OI! Saltyshima you better shut your mouth-"

"I was just telling Yamaguchi about new scientific evidence contributing to dairy studies-"

"I need everyone's attention!"

Tsukishima and Kageyama both pause mid sentence. Their eyes widen in fear as they both slowly turn to face Daichi, the only human alive that can command their respect with only four words. On cue, the Karasuno volleyball club gathers around the whiteboard we use to draw out new plays. Behold, the power of Daichi. I think privately.

'What is it, Daichi san?" Hinata exclaims, shoving Kageyama as they wrestle over a spot on the floor. "Move Kageyama, your butt is too big for this spot."

"Him?" Tsukishima asks. "I don't use American slang terms often, but he doesn't have much cake."

"Hey, isn't milk used in cake?" Nishinoya turns to me. "(l/n), you're in class 5, right?"

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