"Do you hear that?" I ask, tilting my head back and taking a deep breath.

Nathan remains quiet for a moment, probably trying to understand my question or possibly even shocked by my sudden interest in conversation. I'm sure Lachlan must have told him that I haven't spoken a word to him all day.

"Hear what?" He asks gently, confusion the main element clear in his voice.

"Exactly." I smile to myself as I stand from the creaky plastic chair and replace it back to its original space next to Nathan.

Nathan gives me a quizzical look to which I just shrug and walk out of the room. If Lachlan is not going to be back within the next five minutes then I don't feel the need to be trapped in that tiny office when I can be comfortable in the sitting room.

There is shuffling from behind me as Nathan follows me out of the room, but I don't bother waiting for him to catch up. It's not like he is going to get lost between one side of the corridor and the other.

"You really like re-arranging the furniture, huh?" Nathan asks as I take a seat on the couch in front of the window. I had moved it from in front of the TV shortly after Lachlan had returned to his office earlier this morning.

I shrug again, not knowing what to say. I don't care about the furniture. I care about my safety. Moving the chair in Lachlan's office allowed me to scan for any threats that could walk through the door rather than having my back to it and the couch being positioned in front of the window allowed me to see the reflection of the room in the glass as well as the view outside. Nobody was coming into this room without me knowing about it.

"So, you prefer the quiet?" Nathan asks looking over at me from the other end of the couch.

"Today I do." I answer quietly while attempting to rub the ache out of my temples with the heels of my palms.

"What's with all the questions?" I ask before he has the chance to say anything else.

"Would you prefer to ask me some questions instead?" He replies casually as if he didn't just answer my question with another question.

I push aside my annoyance towards him as I consider his question. He's asking me if I want to ask the questions. At no point during my time in the foster system have I ever been offered the opportunity to ask some questions and right now it feels pretty tempting.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes. I am a Family Relations Manager which basically means that I'm the guy who goes out looking for families who are willing to foster children." He answers with an understanding nod.

I take my time to process his words and think about my next question. His admission alone raises multiple questions but I try to stick to the ones that affect me.

"So, I take it you must be just about close to running out of placements for me if they wanted you to sit in on this meeting." It's not a question but I'm sure he understands what I am digging for.

"We actually already have a placement lined up for you." Nathan watches closely for my reaction

"And after they get sick of me and kick me out? Have you got another placement after that?"

"I have a feeling that this next home is going to work out a lot better than the last few." Nathan blankets my skeptical questions with his optimistic comment but I don't hold the same enthusiasm.

"The last few?" I ask incredulously while staring at him with a pointed look.

"Alright, so there have been a lot more than a few, but this time will be different." He puts his hands up in surrender as I continue to burn a hole in his head with my steady glare.

All Four Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now