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     Pointing to Boss, Po glared, "YOU! You're mine!" He was obviously angry, ready to give a little payback as the wolves stepped closer. (Y/n) next to Po on all fours, ready to run at them.
     Boss smirked glaring back at the two, "I'm gonna tell you what's gonna be yours... My fist, in your plush cuddly, super soft face!" From above, Crane and Monkey dropped down on the two wolves in the front, turning to Boss with their arms and wings raised, catching Boss by surprise, "Uh oh..."
     As Boss turned and ran, Po yelled running forward, "Get him!"
     Quickly following behind Po, everyone hurried to get out of the jail. Up ahead outside, they could hear a faint 'Get me out of here!' before seeing him ride off. As everyone else ran after him, Po stopped and looked around before spotting another cart.
     (Y/n) was alongside Tigress before she skid to a stop hearing Po call her name. Running back to him, she looked at him confused as he tied up a rope to the front of a cart, "Po, what are you doing we need to go!"
     Turning to her, Po smirked as he tugged the rope, "Want to go sledding in the streets?" He was referencing her to a time when they used to sled together. Back then she would pull Po around in a sled, even though he would help her pull by pushing.
     But seeing as that this one had wheels, she grinned and nodded, jumping into place, "Lets take him out the way we know how!" Biting onto the rope, she looked back at the grinning panda, who by now was on the other side of the seats.
     Holding onto the back of the seat, Po laughed as he started to push, "Yeah! Together!"
     Smiling, (y/n) looked forward again and started pulling hard on the rope, the cart already moving fast as Po would push it. (Y/n) ears pricked forward, weaving past another animals before spotting the furious five ahead. Looking around, she smirked seeing a ramp ahead of them. Wanting to make a surprise, she ran and leaped off it, almost flying over Monkey as Po laughed from behind.
     Boss looked back at the yelling, growling before snapping to the male running his cart, "Lose him!" For a second he glanced and locked eyes with (y/n), his ears pinning back slightly before he tore it away to turn the cart.
     (Y/n) missed the turn, trying to stop herself before Po pulled her back, grabbing onto Viper being swung after him. She shook her head, holding onto Po some, blushing softly before nodding, "Thanks for the catch."
     Po chuckled, pushing the wheel of the cart with one paw, "You're welcome." Looking ahead, he gasped seeing Boss pick up his driver, "Now it's your turn for help."
     Looking forward, (y/n) gasped and quickly got out of Po's arms, scrambling to look behind him. Turning her face to the moving ground, she barked, making the cart bounce over the male, leaving a dent in the ground from the impact. But when she looked to the arguing males, she gasped seeing all the things being thrown at them.
     Instead of barking, she held onto Po as he weaved through the tumbling mess, surprised that Po didn't hit anything. She tried not to fall off, looking back at the furious five glad that they were able to move bystanders out of the way.
     Her ears twitched softly, raising a brow hearing children's laughter. Oh no... Looking ahead, she yelped being met with a face full of rabbits. Not able to see through the moving kids, she tried to gently and hurriedly get them off her face, only to scream with Po as they were met with a ledge. Trying not to drop the kids, she grunted as her side hit the edge, Po managing to turn it in time.
     Po held the end of the cart with his hand, paling slightly as smoke could be smelled. Raising his foot, he screamed seeing the end of it in flames, his and (y/n)'s eyes widening as they saw the end off the roof. Holding onto each other, they gasped as the kids were thrown into the air. Nodding to one another, they quickly let go and grabbed onto each wooden edge, each of them catching children before flipping up and dropping them as light as they could into the seats.
     (Y/n) looked around, shaking at how high they were before noticing the wires getting short, "CRANE CATCH!"
     Down below, Crane gasped and flew up, catching the kids in his hat and one with his talons. He winced as the cart nearly exploded, Po and (y/n) holding onto each other shaking their heads from the pounce. Boss looked back at them, laughing as he rolled away.
     Po kicked at the wheel, holding (y/n) to his chest as he called back to Tigress or any of the Five still on the ground, "Guys guys guys guys! Give me a shove!" Po was already getting a little out of breath, trying to keep (y/n) off the ground as he could hear Tigress growling.
     (Y/n) however was already looking back at Tigress, her (e/c) eyes wide as she gripped onto Po's shoulder holding on tight. The two then grunted, the force put into Tigress's shove almost sending them off the wheel of the cart. Po held onto (y/n)'s waist, holding her close as they were sent out of sight, catching up to Boss in no time.
     Boss looked back at the two, yelling as he jumped to the other side of the cart as Po and (Y/n) jumped off their now broken wheel. The three throwing punches at one another, Boss managing to dodge some but still getting hit, "Is that all you got! Cause it feels like I'm fighting a big old fluffy cloud!"
     Po smirked, holding Boss up with his foot, leaning back, "Oh yeah! Well this fluffy cloud is about to bring the thunder!" As Boss looked back, he grunted as he was met with signs to his head. (Y/n) stayed next to Po laughing, helping keeping him up before yelping as Boss grabbed them and leaned back, trading places with them both, "Your turns!"
     Po and (y/n) grunted in shock and pain of the many signs as Boss laughed up at them. Seeing the two getting hurt like this was quite amusing to the older wolf. Though when the signs stopped, (y/n) quickly ducked, punching at Boss as Po screamed. The road suddenly went steep, the cart bouncing from stairs as they fought.
     Pulling (y/n) back, Po straightened his arm, letting Boss bounce up, connecting his face to his fight with each bounce. Po smirking before slacking some as they reached the bottom, almost immediately being sent up flying off a ramp. (Y/n) gasped, holding onto Po, as Po help onto both her and Boss screaming.
     As they all started to fall, Po and (y/n) looked to Boss and quickly put him under Po, (y/n) lunging away and tumbling over her shoulder. Stumbling onto her feet, she rubbed her shoulder before hurrying towards Po and Boss, Tigress and the others running up the stairs to the palace.
     Po cheered, getting up, almost to fall over again as he glared at Boss, "Yes! Taste the defeat! Let me tell you something, next time you mess with a panda you better bring the whole..." As Boss stood up, he couldn't help but trail off as multiple wolves came out with bows aiming it at them, soldiers running up close behind them, but keeping some distance for Boss.
     (Y/n) gasped, trying to run to Po only to yelp at being surrounded by swords. Her ears flattened as she glared at the bandits growling, her tail lashing as she looked over just in time to see Boss punch him in the gut. Baring her fangs, her fur fluffed slightly as she snapped at the few bandits surrounding her before running at Boss growling.
     Boss raised a brow, looking over smirking before glaring at the approaching female, "Well well well, if it isn't one of the traitors to the pack!" With a flick of his tail, the wolves near him backed up and surrounded Po, leaving an open circle for him and her.
     Her eyes narrowed curiously, circling him as she stood up in a attacking position, "I don't belong to any pack.. Nor would I ever want to join a pack like yours!" She was obviously mad, her tail raised as she glared daggers at him.
     He only laughed, gripping his fists as smirked, standing ready to defend himself, "Of coarse he would never tell you the family history! Your father was too much of a pup to understand the life he could have had!"
     Baring her fangs, (y/n) barked and ran at him trying to find a song as she punched at him. Every punch she threw, he would either dodge or block, whilst returning a few hits of his own. She yelped softly at being jabbed in the side, sweep kicking him before lunging onto pressing her foot to his chest, "Don't you DARE talk about my father that way! You don't know a thing about my fa-"
     Growling, Boss kicked her off, lunging onto her growling as he cut her off, "I know a lot more than you think (Y/n)..." He chuffed softly as he dug his claws slightly against her neck, keeping her from moving, "Just as weak as aunt (m/n)."
     Her tail curled between her legs, her (e/c) eyes wide in shock, realizing what he was saying. Her ears pinned back some as she tried to move, whimpering softly baring her fangs, "N-No.. No no no!"
     Boss glared holding her down more before raising his other closing it to a fist, "Let's see if you can take a REAL hit... cousin..."

Kung Fu Panda 2. Po x Wolf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now