Important Update! Please Read!

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The poll will start below the red arrows at the bottom!!! Example - (🔻)

Hello everyone! MAN! What a journey it has been for these two books. I can't wait to start working on the third one, but first, I have a poll that I want to set up.

This poll is going to decide which movie/movies I will write next, but the choice will be up to you my readers!

I have three options for a next movie series that I think you all might like.

(1) My first option is, after the third book is finished(and until anymore KFP movies are made), that I will start writing a Hiccup x Shy!Viking!Reader. This will be the start of a new three book series as I will do all three movies (When I mean shy in this, slowly that shyness will go away and you will grow more confident in yourself, this will lead to a lot more heart felt moments between you and the love interest)

(UPDATE OPTION 2 8/1/22)
(2) Restart only first KFP movie, but with Monkey as the love interest, and you my fellow readers will be the same species as Monkey also. But with only doing 1 movie, we'll add a separate movie! Angry Birds, Red x Wolf Reader!

(3) And my third and last option is Sing, Johnny x Wolf Reader! But since that one is a two movie series, I'm thinking of adding a third movie to it! I will be willing to add the new movie from Netflix, The Sea Beast! Jacob Holland x Mermaid!Reader!

If the third option is chosen then I will write The Sea Beast first, then I'll start the Sing series.

This poll will stay up throughout my time of writing the KFP3 Book! When the third book is finished I will post the results and start working on the next series!

The last thing I wanna add is that depending on how many votes each option gets, thats the order in which the movies I will be writing!

For example, if the order were to be from most to least voted(example) option 3, option 1, then option 2. Then I will write all the books in the order of what options have the most votes!

But if an option had 0 votes, then that option will be eliminated! The option needs at least 1 vote to be able to be eligible to be written!

Now with this said, let's start the poll!

Down below you'll leave a comment on the stories you'd want to be written next! But keep in mind, you can only vote once! If you wish to change your vote, make sure to delete the previous one! If not, then that vote will not count.


(1) HTTYD, Hiccup x Shy!Viking!Reader

(UPDATE OPTION 2 8/1/22)
(2) KFP First movie, Monkey x Monkey!Reader and Angry Birds, Red x Wolf reader!

(3) Sing, Johnny x Wolf!Reader and The Sea Beast, Jacob Holland x Mermaid!Reader

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