12. Her

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Dedicated to my little sis, I know this story is your fav and I hope you love this chapter (that you wouldn't stop asking me to post) Happy 17th Birthday Em. I love you ❤

I had become used to waking up with Maya again. For the past week I had awoken to her beside me, the gentle waves of her golden hair fanned out across her pillow, her lips parted just slightly as she took calm, gentle breaths and her eyelashes fluttering as she stirred awake as if she could sense I was staring.

It was intoxicating.

Her alarm goes off though, early on Monday morning and unlike usual, she's up and climbing out of bed trying not to wake me.

I let her go, knowing she has to get ready for work and not wanting to get her behind schedule on her first day back but I don't try to fall back asleep. Instead, my eyes discreetly follow her around the room. And it's a sight to behold.

Her hair is a mess atop her head, tangled from sleep and she's wearing a simple pair of pale, pink plaid sleep shorts and a camisole. She runs her hand through her hair, a yawn spilling from her lips as she stares at her open closet. "Good morning babe." She says without turning around.

My lips quirk into a grin as I turn onto my back, no longer having to pretend to be asleep. "How did you know I was awake?"

She turns then, a deep blue pencil skirt and white ruffled blouse in hand. "I can feel you looking at me" she replies, stepping towards the edge of the bed. She lowers her head and closes her lips over mine briefly. "Sleep well?" She asks as we pull apart, her blue eyes gazing into mine.

I hum, nodding my head and her smile widens. "Are you taking a shower?" I ask, changing the subject as my head motions towards our bathroom.

"I was going to" she confirms, pursing her lips. "Why?"

"No reason." I lie. She chuckles, resting her hand on my cheek as she leans in for another kiss.

"Another time" she murmurs assuredly before turning away from me and heading towards the bathroom. I don't follow her, respecting her decision and instead deciding to go downstairs to start on breakfast.

Unfortunately, we really need to go grocery shopping so my choices are limited to yogurt or cereal. My wife is so lucky to have such a master chef in her life.

I'm halfway done sprinkling Lucky Charms marshmallows into vanilla yogurt when my wife enters the room, her hair blown out and a full face of make-up on her face. "What are you doing?" She laughs, her heels clicking against the hardwood before she comes to a stop beside the countertop.

I open my mouth to respond but my words catch as I eye a certain accessory donning her left ring finger.

She notices my hesitation and follows my eyes to the ring. "Oh" she blushes, lifting her hand and playing with the band. "I uh...I thought I should wear it. You know, just because I don't remember our nuptials doesn't mean that you aren't my husband. I want people to know that I'm taken."

I fall speechless. I don't know what to say. So instead, I do the only thing I can think of.

I step towards her and crash my lips onto hers.

She responds immediately, her hands pressing against my chest while mine catch her waist and cradle her face. Her mouth opens to mine and I taste the mint toothpaste she brushed her teeth with after her shower. Her teeth nip at my lip, increasing the intensity of the kiss and soon enough I have her pinned against the counter, my hand skimming the hem of her skirt.

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