*Back to present*

Morgianna could not help but smile as she thought about seeing her friend. Eleven years they had met in that forest behind her house. Sometimes they would go weeks or months without seeing each other as she stayed gone and she was sure he had a life his own, but his visits never failed to make her happy. It took some convincing as she got older for Fafnir to let her leave on her own, but he knew she would not do something to put her life in danger carelessly so eventually she was able to come and go freely into the forest without her guard.

As she neared the forest that he told her to meet him in she started to feel silly. They had not specified time so for all she knew he would not even be here at this early hour. After they had separated a couple of days ago she realized she always just referred to him as her friend or the black wolf which made her feel like the worse friend ever. Eleven years and she had never bothered to ask his name and he had never offered up the information.

The forest was dark, even with the sky starting to turn into a myriad of tropical colors as the sun began its ascension into the sky. Picking up her pace, Morgianna entered the forest without another thought, if he was not there then she would just have to come the next day or the next. She did not see him as a liar so he would be here eventually.

A twig snapped to her right."Hello?" Her voice was steady as her eyes scanned her surroundings hoping to see those familiar blue eyes.

"It is only the first day and you already seek me out. I feel honored." 

Morgianna felt her cheeks redden at his familiar voice. "I'm sorry... I guess I did not think about it. I guess I was just seeing if you made it safely... Anyway I feel awkward for asking but we have known each other a long time and you have never told me your name..."

Kieran froze, there of course had been a reason he had never told her his name because once he did she would know who he was, and if he lied and told her a false name then he would never be able to tell her who he was. After a moment of hesitation he forced the words. "Could I tell you my name later? I know it does not make sense, but I cannot tell you right this moment." He saw her face fall, the excitement he had seen on her face just moments before schooled behind a placid mask.

"Oh Okay. I understand... well I should probably head to breakfast then... I guess I will see you tomorrow? Or I guess if you are busy maybe I will just come back in a couple of days. I do not know how the school will be so I should get settled in first." The questioning tone in her voice made her want to wince. She turned away not wanting him to see her disappointment, did he not trust her enough to tell her his name?

He wanted to stop her, to explain why he could not tell her, but his own cowardice of losing her completely froze his tongue as he watched her retreating back leave the forest and him behind. Once she had been gone for several minutes he changed back into his human form. "Dammit! How hard is it to just tell her who I am..." He hung his head one hand covering his eyes.

"Well judging by your attitude on the topic and the fact that you have been a creepy mutt for years hiding behind your fur, I would say it is very hard." Kieran jerked his head up seeing Alistar leaning against a tree a few feet away with a smirk on his face.

Not knowing how long he had been watching made Kieran feel uncomfortable. Obviously Alistar was not stupid and could tell from even the last bit of the conversation that he had been meeting with Morgianna for years but had not told her who he was. "It is none of your business demon."

Alistar's smirk grew into a wide grin as he pushed himself off the tree and walked towards Kieran letting his shoulder bump into the wolf prince as he passed. He stopped a few feet away but did not turn around. "By the way, I saw you leaving the dorm early this morning and so I followed you. I have been here the whole time but you were too preoccupied to notice. I would tell her, but honestly you are not even competition to me. She will be my Queen one day so I will not dirty my hands with your little secret because it will be so much sweeter to watch your lies crumble down around you when the truth comes out. After all she will need a shoulder to cry on when her friend turns out to be a liar."

Once again Kieran found himself watching someones retreating back as they walked out of the forest. All his fears were at the forefront of his mind as the words Alistar spoke circulated his every thought.


Morgianna walked into the cafeteria and it seemed like all the chatter stopped as hundreds of eyes turned and looked in her direction. The students did not even try to hide their whispers as she passed by. "She is the one the Princes are fighting over?" "She is pretty, but what makes her so special?" "I hear she is powerful so I wouldn't get on her bad side." "Still isn't it kind of selfish of her to hold all of their attention?"

If a hole opened up in the ground in front of her Morgianna would have jumped in voluntarily. Luckily she saw Olive up ahead waving at her. "Over here Morgianna! I saved you a seat when I realized you were not here yet." As Morgianna drew closer Olive dropped her voice lower so that only they would hear. "Don't worry about them, they speak of things they know nothing about." She gave her friend a reassuring smile before picking a cookie up off the plate on the table. All Morgianna could think about was how today was going to be a long day.


Hello loves, so just in case everyone forgot since it was such a long time ago here is a rundown of everyone's ages. This chapter will be broke down into two so be waiting for the next half, obviously, I couldn't end her first day of school at breakfast!

Morgianna and her friend Olive are both 14 and on their first year at the academy as well as our would-be Heroine Angeline.

Thadeous/fey prince, as well as Gabriel/angel prince, are both 15 

Alistar/demon prince, Kieran/werewolf prince, and Caspian/merman are all 16

And last but not least Alaric/Vampire Prince and the oldest of the Princes is 17. He had not been chosen as one of her suitors because he was 3 years older than her but he is still interested in her.

Word count before note: 1761

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