Not Alone.

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"We have landed Ms

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"We have landed Ms. Harper. Would you like anything for the road?"

"Can I just have two bottles of water for me and some grapes and strawberries to go for him?" Side eyeing Braydon as he pulled at my sleeve poking out his bottom lip, I shook my head looking back towards the flight attendant

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"Can I just have two bottles of water for me and some grapes and strawberries to go for him?" Side eyeing Braydon as he pulled at my sleeve poking out his bottom lip, I shook my head looking back towards the flight attendant. "And two chocolate chip cookies."

After finding out about Terrance injury I reached out right away to check on him. Even though he seemed to be doing fine, I wouldn't be able to feel completely at ease until I saw him myself.

Despite not being completely honest with how worried I was, Terrance was able to read my mind with ease and knew I wanted to see him. So he bought Braydon and I first class tickets to come to New York for the weekend.

Thanking the flight attendant as she handed me a bag to-go for Braydon and I, I grabbed the two book bags I packed for the weekend along with Braydon's hand. Making our way off of the plane, we made our way through the airport walking towards the exit as I pulled out my phone texting Terrance and Jhene.

"HEYYY SISTA! Look at my lil Bry Bry with his fresh cut

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"HEYYY SISTA! Look at my lil Bry Bry with his fresh cut." Jhene stepped out the car screaming causing everyone to look towards us, as Braydon let go of my hands running towards Jhene with his arms wide. "Better give me a hug, auntie missed youuu."

Along with coming to New York to check up on Terrance, I was excited for Braydon to get some time with his cousins. Even though Jhene and I weren't blood related, we will forever be sisters for life, so our kids will grow up looking at each other as cousins.

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