Batman To My Robin.

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"So you mentioned you didn't have a strong foundation at home, what would your advice be to those who also don't have that foundation and are struggling with finding motivation from within?"

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"So you mentioned you didn't have a strong foundation at home, what would your advice be to those who also don't have that foundation and are struggling with finding motivation from within?"

Looking towards Jeremiah who was standing in the back of the auditorium holding his phone up recording with a smile on his face, I softly smiled running my eyes over the entire room.

I was so caught off guard when the Cosmetology school I graduated from reached out to me, asking if I would be a guest at their seminar.

No matter how much success I accomplish in my life, I will never be able to officially feel like I've made it. I still consider myself as the same old Jhene from Chicago, and I will forever feel that way.

"Two things

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"Two things. Faith. And manifestation. Now I understand everyone has different beliefs but this is my story. Those days when I felt like there was nowhere left to go but down, I prayed. Those days I had to listen to how worthless I was from those who were supposed to be my biggest supporters, I prayed. Faith got me through those moments. Manifestation. Decorate a board, watch some YouTube videos about the life and partner you want in your future, that's cute...but are you executing it? Are you going out your way to make sure those things on your board become your reality? Are you putting those extra hours into perfecting your craft, are you working on yourself so when your dream partner does walk into your life your past traumas and demons doesn't drive them away? I left Chicago with a little money in my pocket, zero support from my loved ones, and zero plans, but I had a dream. You need to have a strong foundation within yourself. You need to have motivation within yourself. Because I guarantee them same people that were speaking down on ya visions, gonna have their hand out filled with nothing but audacity when you winnin...and that's on period."

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