Part II

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Five days until Christmas!!! YAY! Even it is Christmas vacation, I'm very busy as ever. I suddenly had an idea while I was editing this. So... please don't kill me for adding Simon to this (even it is a Bodil40 fanfic) and I'm not in the story, it's another girl with the same name (I wish it was me though XD). Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

P.S. I really love the song Endstone.


It was Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas, the day of joy and celebration and most especially, the day of the house party. The house was decorated with Christmas-related stuff and the siblings placed their gifts underneath the Christmas tree. Riley was wearing a red-striped dress while Baki was wearing his Minecraft skin.

After a while, everyone else arrived with their costumes. Some were wearing their Minecraft skins while the rest are in their Christmas-themed costumes. Everyone said hi to the siblings and placed their gifts under the tree. The music was loudly playing and everyone was dancing like there was no tomorrow.

 Eventually, everyone decided to play Truth or Dare. Riley groaned loudly at that idea because she really hates that game but she doesn’t have a choice anyways. Everyone sat in a circle then Riley grabbed an empty bottle and spun it. It pointed to Simon and Simon face palmed while Riley smirked at Nikki, who has a crush on Simon, and Nikki blushed.

“Truth or Dare?” Alexa asked.

“Dare.” Simon said. Riley was about to say something but she was cut off by Nikki.

“Go to the neighbor’s house then yell “DIE LIKE A CHICKEN” and run away.” Nikki said.

Simon got up, winked at Nikki, who was blushing as a tomato, and left the house. He went to the neighbor’s house and screamed “DIE LIKE A CHICKEN” and that made everyone laugh hysterically. But then the neighbor, who was in the middle of a make-out session with his girlfriend, came out and started to hit Simon with a stick. He yelled “I’M SORRY” but everyone heard that and they laughed even harder. Eventually, Simon came in with a poker face expression and a bruise on his cheek.

“You didn’t tell me that the neighbors were making out.” Simon said in an annoyed tone and everyone, except Nikki, laughed while Riley and Martin started to roll around on the floor.

“I’ll help you with that bruise, Simon.” Nikki said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

“Thanks, Nikki.” Simon said as he followed her to the kitchen.

Everyone started to talk while waiting for them but after for a while, they started to get suspicious so they walked towards the kitchen, hid behind a wall and started to eavesdrop. Meanwhile, Nikki and Simon were at the kitchen and Nikki found an ice pack for Simon’s bruise.

“I’m sorry, Simon” Nikki said as she gave the ice pack to Simon.

“What are you saying sorry for?” Simon asked as he placed the ice pack on his bruise.

“If I had let Riley speak, you wouldn’t have this bruise because of me.” Nikki said, looking down at the floor with tears in her eyes. When Simon saw her eyes, his face quickly soften.

“Don’t cry, Nikki. It’s not your fault, it’s just a dare.” Simon said as he placed down the ice pack, lifted Nikki’s chin to look at her eyes and wiped her tears away with his free hand.

Suddenly, Simon leaned forward and kissed Nikki. Nikki’s eyes widen but then she closed her eyes and kissed Simon back, turning the kiss into a passionate one. But little they know that, Riley and the others were still watching them.

“Awww! This is so cute!” Alexa squealed.

“Ha! I knew it this will happen. Amber, you owe me ten dollars.” Trisha said with her hand out while Amber sighed and gave her ten dollars.

“You made a bet about this?” Double asked.

“Yeah. Eventually, Simon will admit to Nikki anyways.” Trisha said while Riley snapped a photo of them and posted it on Instagram.

[@Riley_961: Sweet moment of @simonhds90real and @xxNik94xx] (A/N: Except Simon's, I made those accounts up. XD)

Everyone went back to the living room and started talking again, like nothing even happened. After a while, Simon and Nikki came back to the living room with blushes on their faces but they pretended not to notice that

“What took you so long?” Riley asked.

“Uhh… the bruise took a while to heal.” Nikki lied while she looked at Simon and smiled at him.

“Sure… eventually you will admit it.” Riley thought and everyone continued to play the game.

This is how this love in the air started.

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