Chapter 17:

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Third Person P.O.V:
  Hermes never knew his only daughter harbored so much resentment towards him and her mother.  Had he really done such a horrible thing for falling in love with Lily Evans nee Potter? He remembered that day in his head so clearly.
His son Luke was about eight years old, and he had been wreaking havoc. Hermes wanted to get away from it all, his responsibilities that is. So he traveled to London.Then he caught sight of Lily, she was eighteen and seemed so perfect. But when Hermes met her she was crying. Cautiously he approached the girl.
  "Hello are you alright love?",Hermes asked her. Shockingly green eyes looked up at him.
  "Do I look alright?",Lily rhetorically asked him. He smirked a little despite the situation.
  "No, but maybe I can help you.",Hermes told her.
  "Sod off.",Lily murmured.
  From then on Hermes knew he was hooked.
  *End Flashback*
  Apollo snapped his fingers in front of Hermes' face. Will looked curiously at them both.
  "Hello???", Apollo asked as he continued snapping his fingers.
  "I miss her.",Hermes sobbed.
  "Who Angie? Don't worry she'll be...",Apollo started before being cut off by Hermes.
  "I don't mean Angie.",Hermes snapped.
  "Who are you talking about then?",Apollo asked.
  "Lily...",Hermes breathed out.
  "Maybe Uncle Hades and Dad will let you visit her...",Apollo trailed off not quite sure what more to add.
  "Oh they let me, but Lily, she refused to let me see her 'after all I put her through'.",Hermes said while looking away from Apollo. Will inched closer to the door.
  "I'll just go now.",Will awkwardly said before exiting the room. Apollo looked to Hermes sadly.
  "You did put her through a lot.",Apollo pointed out.
  "I know that but I didn't have a choice, afterall...",Hermes started before being cut off by Apollo.
  "Your love was forbidden?",Apollo offered. Hermes turned to him and nodded.
  "I hurt her by leaving. I broke her...", Hermes started. 
  "It's hard to break what was already broken.",Apollo said. Hermes nodded.
  "Hard? Yes, but not impossible.",Hermes said. At the new discussion of Lily everyone seemed to have forgotten about Angie's outburst for the small time. But that would soon change.

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