Chapter 9:

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Third Person P.O.V:
  A week later Angie went to Chiron asking if she can go outside of Camp Half Blood again. Unlike her brothers Angie actually asked to do something instead of  sneaking without asking. She had made an appointment and had taken the observation. When she made it to the doctor he gave her a pitiful look. Meanwhile Nico was being flirted with by a new Aphrodite camper. Leo smirked, Angie wouldn't like that now would she? 
  The doctor sighed and said the words that would haunt Angie for the rest of her life.
  "Miss.Evans you have Mallory-Weiss Tears. It's the most severe case we've had yet, it's an amazement you haven't started throwing up blood. Unfortunately though we can not fix it without possibly killing you, it looked though like you were stabbed there. That may be the reason why you have Mallory-Weiss Tears.", the doctor said calmly.
  Angie took a sharp intake of breath how could the doctor be so calm about this? How did this happen though? Luke.
He is her brother, and here he's the reason that she has a possibly life threatening injury. It felt like a stab in the heart for Angie knowing her own brother caused this.
  "How much time do I have left?",she questioned as the tears started cascading down her face. The doctor was distressed seeing this young girl who was going to die sooner than expected.
  "It's hard to say right now, but I would suggest you tell your parents about this........", the doctor was cut off by Angie.
  "My mum's dead she never cared about me even when she was alive and my dad has more important things to do than worry about if I'm ok. Anyways though he probably doesn't care he made that clear when he left me at camp- er boarding school fourteen years ago instead of raising me himself. He doesn't care about any of his children, to him were just puppets that he can ignore than ask for help when he needs them.",Angie ranted.
  "Fine tell your siblings and friends if you want, you should make up[ with your father before it's too late.",the doctor said and left. Angie was left alone with her thoughts. She was almost turning into a female Luke but this was different. She wouldn't turn to Kronos or start a war, she would just die in silent hate. She was a volcano waiting to explode, she just needed someone to save her from herself.
  Angie headed to the Empire State building. She needed to get to the 600th floor before she changed her mind. The annoying attendant though was well annoying her. Finally she punched him and took the key for the elevator. He chased after her but she made it through in time. It was then when she reached the 600th floor that she realised it was the winter solstice. She burst through the council room and got annoyed looks from the gods. Well then, she thought.
  "I need to speak with Apollo.",Angie said with no fear. Zeus looked outraged.
  "You girl need to learn some manners, well I would blast you....",Zeus said being cut off.
  "Go ahead i'm dying anyways.",Angie said defiantly. Something clicked in Hermes then, his only daughter was dying and he wasn't allowed to save her. Zeus said he couldn't directly interfere in Angie's life, but if he got the help of demigods he could interfere without getting in trouble.
  "Fine girl but just this once.",Zeus said, he wouldn't admit it but he had grown fond of the girl who played a great role in the Titan War. Every god and goddess had.
  "Apollo how much longer do I have?",Angie asked her voice not wavering.
  "I'm not sure, it's uncertain. The fates hold your fate now.",Apollo said. Nodding Angie left, but not before Hades saw a lone tear going down the face of the girl his son Nico loved.
  "Her love life is changing she has a choice. Out of four boys, one boy will keep her alive until a old age; one holds regret;one will hold her in times of sorrow; and one would go to the ends of the Earth to ensure her happiness.",Apollo said as soon as Angie left. Hermes then set up a quest to find those four boys. Little did they all know the four boys were closer than expected.

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