Epilogue - Happily Ever After

Start from the beginning

After breakfast, as advised by Dadi, Swara and Sanskar took blessings from god, praying for the little life they created with their love.

First trimester, Swara was asked to take maximum bed rest due to critical days, and her MILs and Kavya took utmost care of her, not even allowing her to get up from her bed. Sanskar became hyper possessive for her due to her morning sickness and nausea for food.

"Kitten, should I call Mom or Kaki Ma?" Sanskar asked worriedly, when he saw her coming out from washroom after throwing up the Almond Milk which she drank half an hour back. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder to take to bed. He made her sat on the bed and then settled beside her resting her back on headboard.

"No, I am fine." Swara said nodding her head, taking deep breath, she was tired.

"Have this you will feel good." Sanskar said passing piece of Dairy Milk chocolate which was there in one box of nightstand drawer. It had become her habit to eat small piece of chocolate after her every vomiting session.

Swara kept her head on his shoulder snuggling in his embrace, he kissed her forehead wrapping his arm around her shoulder to pull her on his chest.

Sanskar opened his Mac, to read about the update from BabyCenter website after some time. Every week, this web site gave update on how baby is growing inside mother's womb, which body parts would have been developed by now, what changes pregnant lady can face in upcoming days, what to expect from upcoming doctor's visit or any test is due, any specific precautious needed to be taken etc. in short total Pregnancy Bible. Reading such articles together was added on their daily routine before calling off for the day.

"Kitten, from tomorrow you will enter in your 14th week, and our baby will be size of a lemon." Sanskar said reading out the article, feeling amused about nature's creations.

"Lemon" Swara tried to show him with her thumb and side finger trying to measure their baby's size with, bright smile and wide eyes. She caressed her stomach to feel their baby.

"And check this, and now onwards baby's body is growing faster than their head and their arms are nearly in proportion with the rest of their body....." Sanskar started reading article to her, with grin.

After some time of reading, he looked at his wife who was sleeping peacefully keeping her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his waist and other arm on her stomach with beautiful smile. In these days she was feeling very sleepy, all thanks to her hormonal changes.

Sanskar kissed her forehead mumbling "I love you Kitten". He carefully made her sleep on bed. He caressed her not so prominent baby bump "Hey Munchkin, Dadda loves you too." Then he covered her with comforter pulling her in his embrace and kissing her forehead once again. He drifted to sleep after closing night lamp.

Sanskar came back from office and the site in front of him gave him the biggest shock of his life. Swara was standing near the glass door, looking outside with bright smile. She was caressing glass door and playing with her fingers with rain drops from other side of the glass.

It was raining heavily in Mumbai and first time Sanskar saw his wife enjoying this season. He knew how much his wife hated rainy days especially stormy nights, due to her past two terrible incidence, she always felt distressed hearing rain drops sound. Whenever it used to rain, she used to close not only the glass door but the curtains as well to avoid not only the sound but simple view of pitter-patter of the rain. She used to shiver with thundering's, thank god their room was soundproof.

"Kitten, what are you doing?" Sanskar asked in disbelief, from back keeping his laptop bag on couch.

"It's so beautiful" Swara said with dreamy voice not turning back to her husband.

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