"So how do I do that, hm?"

"I don't know, don't be so... annoying. You're so closed off even I have to rethink my sentences before I speak to you. Go on a date with someone, buy her flowers, invite her for dinner,..."

"I did all of that with Sakura."

"You went on a date with her?!" his friend's eyes nearly coming-out of his head. "Sorry hehe but what."

"Isn't a date when two people spend time together? Isn't this a date now? If so then we spent a lot of time together while travelling."

"No, no, no, a date is when you go for dinner together or you go to a place to do something. We're not on a date!"

"Me and her ate together, we went to places together, isn't that a date?"

"Hold on, do you want to go on a date with Sakura-chan because that could easily happen." His friend slightly tilted his head to the right while his eyebrows raised in unison.

Was he that stupid?

"I told you, I've been on dates with her."

Naruto's face dropped. He murmured something that Sasuke couldn't make out and looked at him, his eyebrows frowned.

"You do get that a date is romantic right? Like you go out with that person because you have feelings for them."

"You just told me to go on dates with someone to find a person that I will love."

"AAAAARGH! Forget about it. What did you want to say to me before we talked about this."

"I want you to talk to Sakura."

"So something is going on between you two."

"That's why I need to talk to you about her."

"Ohhhh you need couple advice?"

"Why would I need couple advice?"

"You just said you needed to talk about Sakura."

"I don't see how this relates to couple advice. Anyway. She can't come back on the mission with me."

"Wait what? She'll never be ok with that."

"I don't care if she is ok with it or not. She can't come with me, it's too dangerous. Tell her Hinata needs her for the pregnancy."

"They're not that close. Why don't you want her to come with you? She is very strong, you know?"

"Hn, it's dangerous. She nearly died."

"That's what we risk when we go on missions and you know that more than anyone, we're ninjas. You were the one who asked for her to go with you. What made you change your mind?"

"What makes you say that I am the one who asked for her to come? Nothing made me change my mind."

"Kakashi-sensei told me when I asked where Sakura was. Sasuke, she won't be ok with you leaving her behind again."

"Why? It's to keep her safe it's not to leave her behind."

"It doesn't matter. She wouldn't be ok doing that."


"Because she loves you, Sasuke."

The raven haired man frowned. She didn't love him anymore, it was obvious.

Redemption |complete| (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now