S I X [edited]

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After an hour of briefing, Jeongin finally understood and had finished all of his homeworks.

At that moment Jeongin realized how close he was to Hyunjin, he was there next to him, face to face and he swore that his cheeks were flushing a tint of pastel pink.
How can someone look so pretty and handsome at the same time, God must really has their favorite, Jeongin thought to himself.

" If you're gonna keep staring, do it more secretly, you're too obvious " Hyunjin said with slight chuckles

After Jeongin realized what Hyunjin said, he diverted his eyes to his stuff embarrassingly, enable to meet the older eyes.
" Oh Hmm s-sorry, and thank you very much for helping, I-I should go now " He said

Jeongin was about to leave but Hyunjin questioned him
" What's your name? I feel like we will meet each other more often "

" I'm J-Jeongin, Yang Jeongin " Jeongin responded still processing and questioning himself about what he meant by "I feel like we will meet each other more often"

" Cute name......... Yeah before you go here take this " Hyunjin said while giving him a water bottle and showed a smile

" Thank you, I-I'll go now " Jeongin said shyly after what Hyunjin said, cute name he thought, Hyunjin said cute name he wasn't dreaming right? Hyunjin really did say cute name ?!
With that still on his mind, he walked out of the library and went straight home.

Tomorrow at school ( Friday)

" I'm finally done with all the homeworks !!! " Jeongin exclaimed to his friends

" Yeah but you missed yesterday " Daehwi said

" Right it was so hilarious " Dongpyo added

" What did I miss ??? " Jeongin questioned curiously

" Jaemin was talking big about his skill in car racing, he even challenged the best player in there but guess what " Daehwi said

" He just lost in front of everyone after all his venting and ' I am gonna go easy on you don't worry ' " Dongpyo continued

" Even Jisung was better at car racing than him " Daehwi finished and the three of them just laughed at Jaemin's stupidity

" Ah and there he is " Daehwi suddenly said

There, coming from the school's gate, Jaemin and Jisung,
Jisung was slightly laughing we all could guess why and Jaemin just had an embarrassed and annoyed face

" Okay okay I know it please stop talking about it I'm embarrassed enough " Jaemin said

" Sorry not sorry but all your talking and the speech about how good you were, I just can't " with that Jisung just started laughing again

Jaemin was walking while sulking, preparing himself for all of his friends' teasing that are about to come, and probably for all day.

" Here you're champion ! " Dongpyo yelled and laughed

" Okay I got it please stop now " Jaemin tried his best to show his puppy eyes but all of them just ignored all of his pleading

After all the laughter, they all headed to their respective class.

At lunch in the school's cafeteria

" Finally a day where I will be able to enjoy my lunch........It feels nice " Jeongin exclaimed while entering the canteen

" You should really relax and not overwork yourself too much " Dongpyo said

" I know but I need to catch up, if not I'll be behind all of you " Jeongin sighted

" I understand but just take time to relax too okay " Dongpyo said with a tint of worry

" I will " Jeongin said with a smile

They then went to buy their lunch and were heading to their table but then Jeongin's name was heard.

" Hey Jeongin! " with a cheeky smile, Han greeted excitedly, beside him was his boyfriend Minho, Hyunjin and Bangchan

" O-oh hey hyung " Jeongin greeted back

Everyone and I mean every single one in the cafeteria turned to look at them and Jeongin could feel all the gaze he was receiving and mostly gaze of jealousy. Jeongin could also feel and see that Hyunjin was looking at him and he was sure of that.

" So how has your first week been ? " Han asked

" Good, It was good " Jeongin responded

" That's great, it's sad 'cause I don't see you often but let's talk to each other more ! " Han said as always excitedly

" Han-a are you trying to talk to other guys? Am I not enough?? " Minho said being a lil dramatic

" Tsk hyung you should look at yourself winking at all the girls and boys around you " Hyunjin said

" Yeah, you really should stop giving hope to everyone " Chan said with a chuckle

" I'm not giving anyone hope tho, it's just my nature, sorry not sorry but I'll stay like this " Minho said while winking

" See even to me " Chan said

" I totally agree with them but remember you're mine and mine only " Han exclaimed

Jeongin and Dongpyo along with everyone in the cafeteria witnessed the scene that was unfolding before their eyes. It amused them at some point but some just envied them, wanted to be either Han or Minho.

" Anyways it's nice to see you Jeongin, let's talk more later " Han said with a smile

Han and the others were heading to their table, but before Hyunjin could go, he made eye contact with Jeongin, winking and showed a cute little smile.
Thanksfully only Jeongin saw it 'cause everyone started to return to their eating and Dongpyo was still trying to process what happened.

" Okay I know that you bumped into Han and you sometimes say hi while waving hands to each other but I wasn't expecting this " Dongpyo suddenly exclaimed but not too loud, so only Jeongin could hear.

" Don't worry, me neither " Jeongin said still surprised by the event and his cheeks were a tint of red because of what Hyunjin just did ( A/N the disrespect guys)

They then went to their table and his friends started asking questions about what happened but thankfully Dongpyo was there to help and said that they were just greeting each other.
Mingi wasn't there because he went to eat with San, his boyfriend ( You know what I mean )

" Ahh I forgot my strawberry milk " Jeongin exclaimed with a pout

" Awwww such a baby " Dongpyo said with his small voice and kinda high pitched

" You're not that different from me Pyopyo " Jeongin said

" Ya I'm not Pyopyo ! " Dongpyo said with a pout

" Aish stop pouting already Dongpyo " Jaemin said

" See you look like a chick with your pout " Jisung added

" Ya I'm not a chick ! You guys don't understand how I feel " Dongpyo said while fake crying with his pout

" Just stop that already you're gonna make me vomit my lunch " Daehwi said with a fake face of disgust

" Why am I the victim here??? " Dongpyo exclaimed to his friends

" Don't worry I got you " Jeongin reassured his friend

" At least Jeongin is kind with me " Dongpyo said

" But I'm not gonna lie you look like a cute little chick, anyways Imma go buy my strawberry milk " Jeongin said while walking to go buy his milk

" Ya! I'm not a chick ! How many times do I have to tell this " Dongpyo exclaimed again

" Just accept it already Pyopyo " Jisung said

With that Dongpyo just kept sulking and eating his food while Jeongin went to buy his strawberry milk.


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