E L E V E N & H A L F

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Jeongin was hesitating between mentioning the event that occured a week ago or not, but he really needed an answer, if not his brain probably wouldn't be able to function normally.
So in the silence that took place in Hyunjin's car Jeongin voiced his thoughts.

"S-so hyung....." Jeongin started

"Hmm?" Hyunjin hummed while starting his car

"About that day.....I just wanna be clear about something" Jeongin continued

"Ah....." Hyunjin replied

His reaction didn't really give that much answer and Jeongin felt like the latter didn't wanna give any attention to it all and that he would brush it of.

"So....hmm" Jeongin tried to say

"About that-" Hyunjin wanted to say something but got cut off

"A-actually nevermind" Jeongin said cutting off Hyunjin

The younger didn't know why but he felt like he didn't want to hear what he thought Hyunjin would say. He didn't want to act like nothing happened even though the older one hasn't said anything yet. Meanwhile Hyunjin stayed silent stopping the car engine and looked at the latter.
As for Jeongin, he dicided that he has made his mind to it so he started again.

"A-actually, that was my first kiss" Jeongin said after the silence

Hyunjin still silent

"I just want to know if that meant anything or if it was only the effect of alcohol......I don't know hyung I'm confused" Jeongin said muttering all his courage and turned his face in Hyunjin's direction feeling unsure

Hyunjin left out a sigh and formulated his words
"I like you Jeongin, that's all there is to it" he said

"It's not funny hyung I'm asking for a genuine anwser....so....so please don't play with my feelings" Jeongin replied with a tint of disappointment

"I'm serious, I don't do this for fun. So don't take my feelings slightly. It hurts hearing that from you, it's as if I only play with other's feelings" Hyunjin responded

Jeongin still unsure but also in shock after every word that his brain has picked up from the latter's response.

"I'm not asking for an answer right now, but I hope you will properly consider my feelings" Hyunjin finished and started driving to Jeongin's house

"I-I..don't know" Jeongin said don't know what to do

"It's okay I'll be waiting" Hyunjin replied giving a little smile full of hope

The rest of the ride was silent. Jeongin went home safely with his head full of thoughts about their whole discussion.
He didn't know how to take those feelings. He didn't know if they were real or if he is just being played with because why would Hwang Hyunjin fall for him amongst all of those beautiful people. His weekend will tough.


Sorry for the long wait but I'll be posting every monday from now on.
I posted this half chapter to fill you in about the info and also because you guys waited for so long :)

Stay safe ❤

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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Seoul High School // Hyunin Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ