F O U R [edited]

841 26 24

At Jeongin's home

Jeongin was doing his morning routine like usual and went to eat breakfast with his parents, when he finished, he headed right away to school.

At school

Jeongin arrived at the school gate and saw Dongpyo and Daehwi waving at him.
" Hiiiiiiiii " Jeongin greeted with a smile
" Hello! " Daehwi greeted back
" Hey! How are you ? " Dongpyo asked
" I'm fine thanks, what about you? " Jeongin replied
" Fine fine " Dongpyo said

" Pyopyo I gotta go look for a book at the library see you all later! " Daehwi suddenly said.

" Ya I said to not call me like that, I'm not a chick you know " Dongpyo talked back a bit sulking

Daehwi just showed a small laugh and made his way to the library, the other 2 waved him goodbye.
They made their way inside the school's building and headed to their class.

At lunch

Jeongin's group went to have lunch and waited for their hyung, Mingi who was still arguing with his boyfriend, San, on the phone.
" I told you, I'm gonna do it "
" I know, I know but- "
" Ahh okay fine fine I'll let you do it "
" Bye baby see ya "

" So it's everything alright hyung? "
Jaemin asked

" Yeah, San wanted to wash the shirt that I just bought for him because I made it dirty while eating ice cream, it fell inside the shopping bag. I really don't know why he wants to do it, I could have done it myself, I was the one who made the mess " Mingi replied

" So all of this just because.....both of you want to wash a shirt? " Jisung (NCT) said

" Really hyung, for a shirt...." Dongpyo said laughing

" At least I'm trying to clean the mess I made not like yall who leave everything to the others to clean " Mingi replied sassily

" Hyung don't put me with them, I'm better than that and I bet Jeongin too " Daehwi said

" Ya what do you mean better than that we are civilised human too " Jaemin added

" Yeah yeah sure........civilised...." Daehwi murmured loud for them to hear

"Ya ! " Dongpyo whined

" Alright it's enough let's continue to eat before we all become uncivilized human " Mingi said jokingly

At that everyone just laughed and Jeongin just enjoyed watching the scene from A - Z.

Time skip after class

Jeongin was the last one in class because he has to take note of everything since he was new in this school and you know adjusting to all the lessons is kinda hard because this school also has a higher education system [ not to shame the other schools, remember this is a fanfiction :) ] and Dongpyo couldn't accompany him 'cause he has to go pick up his cousin who just came back from Europe at the airport.

When he was about to leave the classroom two boys were there at the door.

" Oh hey, didn't know the new student was a cutie I'm glad I came to check " one said

Jeongin didn't know what to do, he just stand there.

" Don't worry we won't hurt you.............only if you collaborate " the other said with a dark smirk

" Sit. " the first one said firmly

" I-I gotta go now " Jeongin tried to escape but unfortunately one of them took his wrist and sat him down, with that he just froze there on the chair.

The one who first talked to him put his hand on Jeongin's cheek and stroke it lighty.

" What a smooth skin you have there, I wonder what it feels like to taste it " he said while smirking and the other just chuckled lighty.

" What if we try it now huh what do you think Seonghee? " he asked the one who was holding Jeongin's wrist a moment ago.

Jeongin really wanted to free himself from them but he just couldn't, his body wouldn't move and despite his well built body, he has no experience in deffending himself physically and also the other 2 looked too strong for him to handle alone. He only wished that someone would come and save him from this hell.

" I think it's a good idea and his lips also look kissable so maybe we could- " Seonghee was about to finish his sentence but was interrupted by someone.

" Maybe we could what ? " there at the door stood The Hwang Hyunjin, Jeongin couldn't believe his eye because someone really came to save him and not anyone but The Hwang Hyunjin.

" You really have to ruin the atmosphere huh Hwang " the one who has his hand on Jeongin's cheek said

" Really? I thought that I came at the right time though " Hyunjin replied back sarcastically

" Don't mess with me Hyunjin " the later said firmly with greeted teeth of anger

" Leave the boy alone Jinhyuck " Hyunjin said pissed off

" Why would I ? " Jinhyuck spat back

" I won't repete myself " Hyunjin said but this time more firmly

" Jin I think we should go " Seonghee spoke up not wanting to mess with Hyunjin. Jinhyuck looked at him pissed off but giving in anyways.

They both went outside the classroom not before Jinhyuck glared at Hyunjin with a look that said "you'll see" but Hyunjin wasn't intimidated and glared back until they were gone.

" T-thank you " Jeongin said breaking the silence and releasing the breath he has been holding

" Don't worry about that but be careful next time " Hyunjin said quite softly and left to go see his sister who was in her friends classroom who are in the middle class and that's explained why Hyunjin was in the middle class corridors.

Jeongin on the other side recollected himself at the realization that he just spoke to Hwang Hyunjin and left the school while being confused and grateful at the same time.
He still couldn't forget how Hyunjin looked so ethereal from near and the way he spoke to the other two boys was kinda hot and how he told Jeongin softly to be careful. A blush crept on Jeongin's cheek just the thought of it and he shook his head not wanting to think about it.


Author note :
So here are the first 4 chapter I hope you enjoyed it :)
Be patient for the coming chapters please ^^

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