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Jeongin, despite being with the TOP3, the most powerful people in his school, didn't feel nervous or uncomfortable.
They just reassured him so much and they were such heart-warming people, even though they were drinking, they didn't force him too, or even if sometimes their conversations went to R-18, but they didn't ask Jeongin about any of it, because they knew and they felt that Jeongin might be uncomfortable and they didn't want that. They just wanted him to feel at ease.

"So Jeongin do you have someone you like or have you ever liked someone ?" Han said out of nowhere

Jeongin was pondering for few seconds on wether or not he should tell them about when he was in middle school at his past school.

"Actually I liked or more like I admired someone from my past school, he was someone very kind and always helped me, we were also in the same class so it was hard for me to not think about him" Jeongin decided to say

"But thinking about it now I'm still not sure if I liked him or not, but I think not because I'm not sad without him around me but I do rethink of him just sometimes so I'm actuallynot sure myself" Jeongin finished

"Hmmm interesting" Han said

"And did you know how he felt about you?" Felix asked

"No" Jeongin replied

"So I assume that you haven't kissed anyone yet?" Minho asked

"Why would you ask him that, it's his life" Chan said tired of Minho's idiocy

"But I was just curious, you know someone might wanted to know this" Minho said and quickly glanced at Hyunjin without anyone knowing except the latter

"So?" Minho continued

"N-no, never" Jeongin responded a bit embarrassed

"You don't have to be embarrassed, at least it's good that you don't let anyone touch you that easily" Changbin said

"Yeah, and if anyone ever touch you without your permission, just tell me" Chan added

"You act like he is your child hyung" Seungmin said

"Yeah!! I get to be the mom" Felix blurted out

"You would rather be the fortnite addict bro" Han said jokingly

"Yeah and you the idiot one" Hyunjin added

"You know that we are similar right ?" Han said to Hyunjin

And they all bursted in laughter, the night was full of chao and joy. Everyone was having fun, Hyunjin was more quiet than usual, the last thing he said was the one phrase directed to Han.
Han and Felix were a bit drunk, the rest of them were fine and the most sober ones were Chan and Hyunjin and of course there is Jeongin who didn't drink.

It started to be very late Jeongin decided to send a message to his mom, saying that he'll go back home now.

"I think, I'll go back now, thank you for inviting me here today" Jeongin said and thanked them

"No need to thank we are friends" Han said

Friends ? Jeongin thought to himself, they consider him their friend, oh they didn't know how happy he was at that moment, being friends with such wonderful people.

"Y-yeah friends thank you again" Jeongin responded

"Bye Jeongin!" Felix bid farewell

"See ya!" Changbin said

And the others bid farewell to Jeongin

"Wait, I'll come with you" Hyunjin said

"It's fine hyung, I don't wanna bother you" Jeongin protested

"It's dark and I was gonna go home so it's fine" Hyunjin continued and walk out of the house with the younger

"He definitely likes Jeongin" Minho blurted out when the other two went outside

" Definitely, I'll bet my whole body on it" Han said

"Uh I'm the only allowed to touch your body" Minho firmly said

"Go get a room you two" Seungmin said

"With pleasure, let's go to my room" Minho gently dragged the slightly drunk Han

"I'll sleep here tonight too, I'm tired" Chan said while walking to Felix's room and the latter followed

"Guess it's only us two" Changbin said

"Yeah and we are going back home, your mom told me that you got a photo shoot to promote her product tomorrow morning" Seungmin said while dragging a tired Changbin out of the house

"At least give me a kiss" Changbin pleaded with a pout

Seungmin rolled his eyes and quickly gave a gentle kiss on Changbin's lips.

"You are blushing" Changbin said and smiled

"Yeah, let's go" Seungmin said and hid his blush

While Hyunjin and Jeongin were quietly sitting in the bus. It was silent but this time it was quiet awkward but not that much, Jeongin just didn't know what to say but then Hyunjin just spoke up.

"So your past school, was it good?" Hyunjin questioned

Jeongin didn't really understand the question so he tilted his head with a look of confusion.

"I mean, your school life, your friends, do you miss it?" Hyunjin reformulated his question

"Yeah, I miss my friends but it's fine we still talk with each other and with my friends here I feel at ease" Jeongin replied

"Oh that's cool that you still talk to them, and do you talk to all of them? Like your crush and all" Hyunjin asked again

"Not all but with my bestfriend, Hueningkai, my other friends and I won't say my crush but yeah him too" Jeongin replied and sheepishly said the last phrase

"Cool" Hyunjin said

Then they were again in an awkward silence. (......kakaka) Until the bus came to a stop. They both walked in silence to Jeongin's home.

"Here we are, thank you hyung. Goodnight!" Jeongin thanked and bid goodbye

Before the younger could walk off, Hyunjin took his arm and stopped him on his track.

"Is there anything wrong hyung?" The younger asked

Hyunjin didn't say anything and just pulled the younger near him, face just few inches apart. They looked each other in the eyes and Hyunjin trailed his eyes on every features of the younger's face, he noticed the blush on his cheeks and finally his eyes stopped their track on his lips.

"H-hyung" Jeongin said nearly inaudible


Hiiii it's been a long time here is the update hehe
Please be patient for the next chapter😚

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