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Hi this is a quote based off of @MishZoe 's comment from octavioosilvaa 's book so I hope u lot don't mind me posting this 😔✌️💘

Octane and mirage are a duo in a match. (I have a theory that the apex games take days, maybe a weekend long? It's all live-streamed and cameras are set up everywhere. Throughout the week, highlights are added together and then casual viewers can watch like that- just saying this so that this chapter makes sense.) the two had to sleep in a building together and take turns keeping a lookout in case some team tried to attack at night.

Octane, kicking mirage: amigo. AMIGO. A M I G O

Mirage: I'm up. Is it my turn?

Octane: no. Just shut the hell up though. Your snoring's gonna bring everyone here to kill us.

Mirage: I don't snore!

Octane: dude. I left the building, walked over to the next building, closed the windows of the room I was in, and HEARD YOU.

Mirage: that's because these windows are open.

Octane: no they weren't. You just snore really loud. It's kinda funny though, but right now, it puts us at a disadvantage.

Mirage: okay; maybe I do snore. Just don't tell anyone or else.

Octane: homie, you're a weird one. I'll try not to tell anyone though.

Octane proceeds to run to the window to YELL the information he just learnt with a stim in his leg as Mirage chases him down — this is the one and only time someone surpassed Octavio silva in running speed.


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