"I'll try to convince him."

"I know you will" He chuckles, "Room 5?"

Upon Sienna's nod, he walks to his father's room.


Sienna is busy treating a patient when a little girl walks in. Her clothes are bloodied.

"Take over for me" She tells the resident. He nods his head

"Hi sweetie" Sienna walks up to her. She looks bewildered; her lip is trembling and her green eyes are wide in panic.

"I'm Sienna, what's your name?"


Sienna crouches down to be on Libby's level. "Can you tell me what happened, Libby?"

"Everyone is sleeping except for me."

Sienna frowns, "Who is sleeping?"

"My mommy and daddy"

Sienna smiles at the girl, "Alright, Libby, can I ask you to come lie down in one of these beds so we can see if you're alright?"

The little girl nods her head and grabs Sienna's hand. The doctor takes her to the examination bed.

"You're going to be fine here Libby"

"Can you make my booboos go away?" the girl asks. Sienna nods her head, "I can. Where does it hurt?"

"My mommy calls it my protected place"

Sienna tries to mask her shock, "o-okay Libby. I'm going to ask one of these friendly nurses to take you up to your own room, is that okay?"

"Please don't leave me" Libby trembles, her voice small.

"I'm not going to leave you. But in order for me to make your booboos go away I need to get some stuff, is that okay?"


She walks out of the room and immediately spots April.

"Order a rape kit"

April's face falls. "Dammit. Alright, must I notify CPD?"

"I already did" Sienna confirms, "Put a guard on her, make sure nobody except us and CPD come in. I'm sure she doesn't want to see any men, so let's work with me you and Maggie okay?"


Sienna grabs a teddy bear from Paediatrics and walks back into Libby's room. She hands the girl the soft toy watching Libby's face light up.

"Do you have friends Libby?"

The girl nods, "Good, me too. She's going to come in to ask you some questions but I'm going to be here the entire time alright?"

Upon Libby's nod, Sienna calls in Erin.

"Hi Libby, my name is Erin. Can you tell me what happened?"

Libby looks at Sienna for support and the doctor nods her head.

"Someone hurt my mommy and daddy. I saw them fighting with the man."

"Can you tell me what the man looks like?"

Libby nods, "I...I looked at him when he was....when he was hurting me."

"You saw his face?" Erin asks

Libby nods. "Will you be okay to look at some pictures?"

Libby nods again so Erin shows her mugshots of men they suspect for the double murder and possible rape.

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