Chapter 10: "The Yin Yang Looking For Yui"

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'The Lady Miya, twin sister of the priestess of Suzaku, left Mt. Taikyoku and was sent by Taiitsukun to Tamahome's village. Seeing the Lady Miaka and Nuriko following Tamahome stealthily, she joined Tamahome on the way, intending to pull a prank on her twin. There, she met his family and helped care for the children, along with Lady Miaka and Nuriko.

But soon, Miya was confronted by the unknown girl in ceremonial dress, almost losing her life. She was saved by her twin and an acquaintance named Chichiri, who was revealed to be a Suzaku Seven by the symbol which appeared on his knee during combat.

Meanwhile, Lady Miaka began to realize that whoever she called friend, would soon meet with trouble.

"Sorry. I've got to go."

And so, the Lady Miaka set out alone for Kutou, to find her best friend Yui. Unbeknownst to her, she already had her twin sister following along.'


"Hotohori, the young and powerful emperor of Konan, devoted himself everyday to praying for the safety of the priestess of Suzaku and her twin sister."


Hotohori is seen kneeling inside Suzaku's shrine room with closed eyes and clasped hands, praying to invoke Suzaku's presence. After some time, the scent of the incense quickly wafted the air. The light dimmed around Suzaku's statue as it opened its crimson eyes, as if possessed by Suzaku himself. Hotohori, sensing the energy, opened his eyes as well. "My heart is filled with foreboding. I must pray that Miaka and Miya remains safe."

"Suzaku, great god of our proud land, protect us all and watch over the priestess of Suzaku, who is destined to gain your powers and save all of Konan, as well as her twin, to guide and protect her from any harm," Hotohori prayed to Suzaku, as its statue's eyes continued to gleam in the room. "If I were free of my burdens, a commoner like Tamahome and Nuriko, I would never leave your side, Miaka. Like Miya, I would do everything to protect you, even risk my own life," Hotohori uttered, more to himself. "Please Miaka, Miya... be safe."


"She's been gone way too long! Why would Miaka want to run off alone like that?!" Tamahome shouted, banging his fist on the table. "Relax, Miya went after her, remember? Besides, it might be something personal," Nuriko suggested in a calm tone. "Like?" Chichiri prodded him to continue.

"Like, you know, a girl thing," Nuriko said it like it was obvious. "A girl thing?" Chichiri asked but was ignored. Nuriko opened his eyes, remembering something. "Wait! I remember! Before she took off, I heard her saying the name 'Yui'."

"Yui is their friend," Tamahome stated. "We were talking about Kutou's search for the priestess of Seiryuu when she said it. I wonder, did she see a connection?" Chichiri concluded, voicing out their thoughts. "Yui... she was with the twins the first time I ever met her," Tamahome told them, remembering the girl with blonde, cropped hair with bangs, pale skin and light blue eyes. "Wait. If Yui came back to our world..." he widened his eyes in realization. "I know where she went!" He exclaimed, standing up.

"Tamahome?" Nuriko looked at Tamahome who headed to the door. "Nuriko, watch over my family," Tamahome ordered, before leaving in a hurry. "Tamahome! How come we get left behind?" Nuriko muttered, more to himself. "Speak for yourself, you know. See ya!" Chichiri said before disappearing into his kasa, jinxing Nuriko's previous statement. Nuriko looked behind him in confusion, to find Chichiri there no more.

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