styles, harry styles

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I wrote part of this during one of my classes so please do excuse if a part of my writing is a wee bit worse than the last chapter (school makes me feel limited on writing things)

Chapter 2: Styles, Harry Styles


Harry had rented an apartment for his time in Cheshire, which he hadn't found out how long his stay will be, but he knows for sure quite a while.

It was nearly six in the evening and he still hasn't emptied out his luggage, which was surprising, considering the fact he was a very organized and clean person.

Earlier that day, he had looked out his window, watching as people walked past the building.

What he didn't know, is that there was a specific blonde man down there, soon to take over his future.

2:23 a.m

It was late, yet Harry still couldn't fall asleep.

He jumps out of bed, looking out the freezing window, condensation forming as he breathes out, watching as the snow falls down onto the already fully covered ground.

Suddenly, he notices a man on one of the park benches, strumming on his guitar. Harry wasn't sure if he was singing, but he could see the small movement of the man's lips. The moon moves slowly up high in the sky, floating in space, its light shining down onto the man, his blonde hair shining along.

He was alone.
And for some reason Harry felt that if he were to go down there, he'd become friends with the man, and the both wouldn't be so lonely.

Getting out of the bedroom, he pulls his hair out of the man bun and grabs his coat and jeans, pulls them on, and before leaving the apartment, he puts on some boots.


He stared in awe as more snow fell down onto the fluff of white on the ground.

He continues to walk around the park when he suddenly hears the soft sound of an acoustic guitar being playing, and going closer, a soft voice singing along. Looking up, his heart began to race faster.

The man was cute. Short, but still fairly tall. His cheeks were rosy from the cold, eyes blue and very much crystal like as his messy blonde hair reflected from the moon's light. He watched as his lips moved in sync with his strumming, then, surprising himself, he sings along to song, it being one of his favorites.

From the corner of his eye he sees the man staring at him, yet Harry wasn't sure whether it was in awe or not. He closes his eyes, the image of the blonde pasted in his mind, still feeling the man's gaze locked on him. Opening his eyes once again, he notices a small smile has crept onto his lips, causing himself to smile. His pink lips and dimple unknowingly causing the blonde's heart to beat faster.


It was nearing five in the morning, and even if both boys felt numb from the stinging cold, they continued the park. Niall knew he'd end up catching a cold from his, every now and then getting a shiver to run throughout his body.

The boy had shoulder length brown hair, slightly curly. His green eyes shimmered, as if they were a valuable gem, valuable to Niall.

He couldn't forget how he had introduced himself. It was silly, yet made Niall's heart flutter.

After they finished singing the song, Niall had a full blown smile on his red lips, gazing up at the brunette.

"The names Niall Horan. You?"

With a smirk, he finally received his answer.

"Styles, Harry Styles."

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