new love

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Chapter 1: New Love


It was snowing, something Niall hadn't seen in such while.

He'd spent a part of his fall time in Australia, which it had been spring for them at the time, hanging out with his Aussie mates for a month.

It hadn't phased him though, used to the snow after many years of getting high inches of them over the past 21 years of his life. He loved snow in fact, the bright white covering the faded green-yellow grass surrounding him. Though there are many apartment buildings, houses, and a couple skyscrapers here and there, there were many yards of grass around him, having land to lay on, take in the landscape, breathe in fresh air.

He watched carefully as tiny snowflakes fell out of the sky, captivating him, mesmerized by the beautiful crystal-like designs created by the clouds, condensation, and cold. Little things like this made him happy, one of the very few things about being alive making him feel cheerful.

Grabbing a coat, some snow boots, and a beanie, he steps outside, immediately feeling the impact of the cold hitting his bare cheeks and hands, sending a light shiver down his spine.
Though he wanted warmth straight away, he loved the feeling the cold winter air gave him, light breezes passing through the soft cloth of his sweaters, shirts, pants. He loved the feeling he gets when after a long while standing out in the icy cold, he gets inside the cozy home, sitting by the fire, a cup of fresh warm tea in his hands, radiation from the mug conducting onto his shaking hands. Most of the time, he had his only friend, Tanya sitting beside him on the chocolate coloured sofa, the two laughing together, Niall's loud laughter echoing throughout the house, his perfect white teeth painted into her mind, his short, blonde, quiffed hair falling a little, pieces of hair slowly falling to cover his face. It was always very comforting, making Niall feel all happy inside, but this year, Tanya had gone back home to Ireland, leaving him all alone.

2:18 a.m.

Niall was wide awake, unable to fall asleep for the past six hours. He had feared to have a nightmare once more, always being painful and causing a frown to cross his face, eyebrows slightly furrowing.

Jumping out of bed, he went over to the corner of his room.

Lightly grabbing the fragile acoustic guitar, he puts on a coat and his snow boots, and heads out to the park nearby, ignoring the wispy cold air numbing his face.

He sits on a snow covered bench, wiping the inch of snow off, taking a seat, pants getting a little wet from the left over icy crystals.

Lightly strumming, he shuts his eyes, mind drifting off to a song, one of his favourites. He was put into a new setting, like a daydream, narrated by a singing voice and a soft strummed guitar.

Going out tonight
Changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had
She's showing off

Driving too fast
Moon is breaking through her hair
She's heading for something that she won't forget
Having no regrets is all that she really wants

Guitar still being played, Niall hears a new voice join him, deeper, huskier. He looks up, to see a man, around his age maybe, long wavy brown hair, relaxing green eyes reflected by the moon's light. This put a smile on his face, a time where he knew nothing could go wrong.

We're only getting older, baby
and I've been thinking about you lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid
Even when the night,
It was of that one winter night, when Niall realized he had found his new love.

So... quite a short first chapter (in which I apologize for). This is my first One Direction fanfic, and the idea came to me when suddenly an image of Harry and Niall kissing shot me straight in the feels and made its way towards the writing side of my mind (and heart). This is how winter nights was created, and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter (even if there wasn't really much to enjoy) and hopefully the rest of the story.
(music video of night changes at the beginning of chapter (or on side depending on whether you're reading this on a hand-held device or laptop/computer) just for fun :]]] )
illy out.
~ idlearum™

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