The Beginning

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C h a p t e r 1

aiden's pov


C h a p t e r 1

aiden's pov


whenever life hit my nerve , i hit car's gear , thats they way for me to cop up with my mood ,and that's exactly what i am doing right now , driving my sports car on the top speed 

my one hand is on the wheel , while from other i hold my joint, i sucked on my joint and blew the air out of my mouth making ring out of the smoke  

i suck a deep one this time , which makes my ccough 

"this shit , taste so cheap " i groan and threw the leftover joint out of my mouth 

today's day was shit , i had three meetings , i lost four of my new contracts , and my dad again threw a tantrum for me gong to meeting being drunk , this is fourth time in a row that i went in meeting drunk 

i feel empty , there is always a empty feeling inside me , i tired everything to fill this empty void feeling but nothing works 

I have everything , money ,power , reputation family and bunch of stupid friend who love me to death but this all are just show for the world , this void feeling don't leave me .I don't know why ..when i was kid I never got attention from my parents and to get there attention I started drinking because drinking got me there attention they would try to talk to me and lecture me ,but after sometimes they stopped trying and drinking become a habit , and after sometimes I started causing trouble ..vandalizing property , getting into fight and every kind of bad work in that phase I met my friends they are the only sane things in my life

These 5 assholes but they still couldn't fill the void feeling , the trust issues I have with others , all people only want me because I am son of The Valter knight  the only heir to the knight empire , girls want me because I am rich and handsome and have some skills no one actually want to break my wall and fill the void feeling I have

Thinking about this made me more angry and I push the accelerater with full force ....I saw towards the speed meter and it was 120kmph I continuesly pushed it and it went like 125 to 130
There was turn so I turned the car to left the tire cause screeching sound
My eyes went up and out of no where a girl was coming running towards my car

"Fuck" I shout and pushed the break but the car didn't stop because of the high speed I turn the staring wheel to right side to the fullest to avoid hitting the girl. .I piercing sound of her voice fills the air as the side of my car hit the side frame and my car hit the wall
My whole body jerk forward and my head hit the wheel the smoke started coming out from the bonet and my heart beat was at its peak

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck , I can't afford other drink and drive case " I said and remove my seat belt and and came out of my car

I hiss in pain as my lower body felt numb ,my eyes roam to see where that woman went ....she was laying on the ground I focused my eyes because she was so thin you won't know she is lying there someone must think that it is towel lying on road

I stumble and move towards her I went near her I saw blood all over her body

"Damn looks like this time it is pretty serious " I said pulling my hairs out

Her face was covered with her hairs ...I need to do something really quick or she will die or is she already dead ?

I slowly move my feet to touch her
"Hey woman " I poked her with my feet "hey come on wake up ,I didn't meant to hit that bad .actually I didn't mean to hit you " I said to her but she was not moving I slowly bent down

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