full time job

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Note: this song is only something I like it has nothing to do with the chapter. and I also don't own it so yeah.

Todoroki pov

I was scared when the greenette came into the room. he was being all close to me and I liked Katsuki not him. Katsuki drove him out though. I thanked him and he cuddled up with me. it was the next day and now I was supposed to get checked again for any disorders. I really didn't want to. I also didn't want to eat the food they gave me.

"here kid eat this." one of the nurses handed me some soup. I was about to push it away when Katsuki took the bowl and thanked her. I really didn't wanna eat it but he held the spoon to my mouth non the less.

"please eat it for me." he whispered. I nod, if it was for him then sure. I opened my mouth a little and he put the spoonful in my mouth. I tried gulping it down but had a coughing fit. I was still not very used to the food. after maybe five spoonfuls of the soup I was full.

"i-I'm full Katsuki." I hummed to him. he nods setting the food down and told me how well I did eating the food. I couldn't help but be a little proud of myself for eating.  it was an hour before I had to do the testing. I lay my head on katsuki's shoulder and fell asleep. it felt like it had been only a minute when I heard a voice calling my name.

"Shoto, time for the testing." said the voice. my eyes fluttered open and I saw Katsuki hovering over me. I smiled at him weakly and sat up. 

"Alright time to do some testing. i've already been told you have minor Anorexia. but I would like to ask you when you do eat why." the doctor was calm and it made me feel.....comforted.

"I-I eat when Katsuki is with me...." I say and then in embarresment I burried my face into Katsuki's chest.  I heard both of them chuckle. 

"well then Bakugou will be having a full time job." the doctor said and went throught the rest of the tests. I had major depression which may have made me want to cry. I had a problem with my body weight. and I would be left with tramatic scars. Katsuki really was gonna have a full time job taking care of me. not that he'd ever want to.

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