Five questions

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Todoroki pov

Damnit I'm not dead am I. Was the dirt thing I thought when I opened my eyes laying on a hospital bed. I here a consistent Beeping noise and look to my side. I was attached to a heart monitor. Why was I here again? I wondered racking my brain before I remembered in a flood of how I had overdosed on pain killers. I looked up at the ceiling bored of not having anything to do. After what was only 20 minutes but felt like a entire days worth of time the foot opened and Bakugou rushed in. His eyes had lit up when he saw that I was awake. I looked at him. He walked over to me pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. I could tell he had at least a million questions for me. 

" since your face is telling me you'v got at least a million questions then you get too start with five and then drop the subject." I say to him. He nods and thinks for a little. 

" sorry if you don't wanna answer this but why was your sister protecting you?" Asked Bakugou. I didn't want to tell him but his eyes were in a weird way concerned or maybe it was only putty for me. I sighed and took a deep breath.

" father.... a-abuses me and my f-family." I say. His eyes were opened up wide and he looked something other than anger. He looked like he understood which scared me tons more then him thinking that I deserved the beating.

"I-I'm so sorry I wasn't t-there for you when you needed it." He said to me placing a warm hand on my ice cold once he rubbed them soothing me a littlee bit.

" alright now what's your favorite color?" He asked me. I was shocked by the well normal question but answered it all the ame.

" I know white is kinda like all the colors but I like silvery white." I tell Bakugou he nods his head and leans back in the chair.

" next question is what did your sister look like?" I thought for a moment then opened my mouth to speak. 

The memory of her was faded in my brain but her screams weren't

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The memory of her was faded in my brain but her screams weren't.

" she had hair like be just down to her shoulders a bit past the middle if I remember correctly she  also had the same eye colors as mine but her turquoise eye was lighter in color than mine is. She was the the height as me and that's all I remember of her appearance." I say softly. Bakugou nods and we continue the next question was why I liked cold Soba so much. I told him it was the first real proper meal I had ever had because everything else was basically half rotten food or just really really sour stuff. This went on until the five questions were up. I was tired again and laid my head down falling into troubled sleep.

Bakugou pov

I smiled as r fell asleep though he was mumbling things that didn't seem very good. I laid a arm around him as if I could protect him from the rest of the world.

Beyond repair ( BNHA) DISCONTINUED!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora