Fearing a friend

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Midoriya pov

I heard what happened with Todoroki and wanted to go visit him. I was his friend after all. 

"Mom I'm gonna go to meet with a friend I'll be back later today!" I say and rushed out the door. I hoped on one of the public busses. I look out and watch as the city whipped past me. soon after a few stops I hop off the bus and begin my eldless mumbling on how to tell Todoroki I liked him and if it would even go well or not. I didn't know how to yet and it scared me to think that it had been Kacchan to be the one who had brought him to the hospital. I checked in at the front desk and told her about my friend. she nods and walks me to the room where Todoroki is. I see Kacchan also inside and panic a little. he was sitting on a chair looking at his phone. I open the door and he gave me a death glare.

"what the hell are you doing here damn nerd?" he asked me growling. for some reason it looked like he was protecting todorki from...me. what did I do I wondered and tooko a step forwards. Kacchan stood up and tried to drive me back.

"what did I tell you Deku? get. out." he stated harshly. I pushed past him. I didn't realize I had also scratched kacchan with my nails but he clutched at his hand. as soon as he did so todoroki's eyes shot open. he saw me and hissed. I was taken aback. he hissed at me but I was his friend right.

"see deku no one wanted you here." Kacchan said from behind me. I was still in shock that I hadn't seen him get behind me. I took a step back. and Todoroki's hissing continued. then my worst nightmare played. Kacchan went up real close to Todoroki and touched his hand sitting down next to him and playing with his multi colored hair. the hissing stopped and it turned to a happy chirp. what the actual hell is going on. I stumbled backwards. 

"see Deku he doesn't need you infact it sounded like he was scared." he looked at me and then down to Todoroki.

"Shoto are you afraid of him?" firs to all he was real close up to him second he said Shoto not even Icy hot or hald n hald bastard. but he siad his first name. third the response of Todoroki shattered me.

"Y-yes. Katsuki can you make him leave please...." the boy trailed off. he must not really remember me also he was calling Kacchan Katsuki. I felt a hot sting on my eyes and pivited on my heal leaivng the room. I can't go back home in this state so i leave the hospital and go to the beach. I find a suitable rock to sit on and watch the waves. slowly my eyes began to water until I was full on sobbing. he feared me. he hated me. he didn't remember me. h-he wasn't who he used to be. worst of all he was now really close to Kacchan. no not Kacchan to Bakugou. to Bakugou fucking katsuki. HE LIKED BAKUGOU FUCKING KATSUKI. HE. WAS. THE. DAMN. DEKU. not me.

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