I'm gonna fix you

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soon Todoroki fell asleep on the hospital bed and well I may have kinda started to cry. I didn't know why I was crying but sure enough my eyes were wet and that meant I was crying. Maybe it was because I had noticed something about Todoroki. when he had first taken the pills I also felt that I was about to do everything he was. I knew he was about to overdose and thats how I got to him in time. I keep thinking about this and remember when we had first started at U.A I had always known where he was and he seemed to also know where I was. it made it hard in training since it was as if we were able to read each others plans and thoughts on combat. then it hit me like a brick wall ramming into me at the speed of Iida resipro burst things. he was my soulmate. I had been reading about how to find them hoping I could find  Todoroki's soulmate so he was so...broken inside. but then I realized I was the soulmate. at this sudden thought I see Todoroki snapp his eyes open.

"Katsuki.....your my?" he started he didn't have to finish because we both knew now. he must ahve sensed me figure it out while he was asleep.

"yes. now please get some more rest you still need lots of rest." I say in a calming tone not even my mother knew I could have. he laid back down and closed his eyes falling back to sleep. I watched him for awhile then noticed he was mumbling in his sleep. I really that he was also squirming. the mumbling soon turned to screaming and whimpers.

"P-please stay away from her. S-STOP!!!!" I realized that if he went on squirming so much he would break the chord connected to him. I tried to get him to wake up and his eyes blinked open in fear. he was crying.

"Shhh. it's okay I've got you Shoto. it's fine." I whispered him. he looked at me and completely stopped crying and just hugged me. he pulled me onto the bed and snuggled into me.

"d-don't leave me l-like they did. t-they all left me...." he said in a whimpering panic attack. I looked at him with a questioning look. I thought he had only lost his twin sister.

"what do you mean by they ALL left you?" I asked the shaking boy. he looked at me and then sighed.

"alright so I was separated from my other siblings. since me and Osore were the best in Endeavor's eyes he thought the rest of the children were failed experiments so he just separated me and Osore from them because he didn't want us to be like them. he thought that if we weren't around them then we would do better then them...." he stopped talking and hugged me harder. this boy was more then broken. I didn't know how someone could stilll ahve any will to live. I thought about that for awhile then remembered he had tried to end his life. he didn't have any will left to live. I look down at him. he was very skinny and it worried. I begin to wonder if he had more then just the siblings he spoke of. I didn't get to think about for too long because I fell asleep while spooning him. the last thing I remember saying was something along the lines of,

"I'm gonna fix you..."

Beyond repair ( BNHA) DISCONTINUED!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora