the fortress meeting

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It didnt take long for father to get rid of the slayer the police had soon arrived and tackled him to the ground. Tanjiro turned a spotted a woman with lilac eyes and a boy with green hair watching the scene. Tanjiro could tell they were demons but it was obvious they didnt want to get spotted by his father.

Tanjiro turned and faced his family once again. His little "sister* clung to him frightened by the slayers shouting. He looked and recognised the slayers face. It was that annoying loud mouth brat who though he was better then everyone else. Muzan bored of the events happening started to pull them away. He could tell his father was angry. Once they had arrived at the carriage tanjiro placed his "sister" inside and helped his "mother" inside. Before he began to get inside his father pulled him back and told them they would be talking to the police and to be back soon. Tanjiro followed next to his father, waiting patiently for him to speak. Nezuko began to shift in her box before opening the door and jumping out. She reached her arms out and hugged muzan. While muzan didn't consider her as his child he was very fond of nezuko because she was protective of tanjiro. It was also helpful for him growing up because tanjiro was lonely without another child to play with. There was only so much the upper moons could do to entertain the boy before he was bored and frustrated. Muzan patted mezuko's head and they continued to walk.

They had arrived at an isolated part of tokyo. Tanjiro looked around it was all clear. It was silent for a moment then the sound of a biwa played, the surroundings changed around them and suddenly  they were stood on a platform overlooking the upper moons. Nakime was also on the platform quietly playing her biwa and altering the fortress. Tanjiro went and sat down next to her listening to the sound of the biwa. As a child tanjiro would often sit next to nakime listening to her music. It calmed him down and he often fell asleep next to her. Nezuko was the same she would also fall asleep listing to the tunes of the biwa.

Soon the others had finally noticed that they had arrived and began to greet muzan.

"Tanjiro" smile douma "its nice to see you again"

"Its nice to see you too douma, how is your cult?"

"Its wonderful tanjiro you would come round one day!"

"I will think about it" replied tanjiro

Akaza was next
"Tanjiro" he said before he could finish tanjiro had gotten up and hugged the upper moon. Akaza was like a bigger brother to tanjiro. Tanjiro had learned all of his hand to hand and fighting style off akaza.

"Will you spar with me later akaza? I want to show you how strong I've gotten since I've last saw you"

"He nodded i look forward to it*

Daki and gyuutarou wasn't around, it was quiet without them there. The siblings often shouted and argued with each other sometimes it was over the smallest things. Gyuutarou was possessive of his sister often viewed her as better then the rest while daki was a spoilt brat. Anything set her off. If she didn't like something she would either argue or kill someone so that she was always right. She only ever showed a soft side to muzan acting all sweet and innocent for him.

It seemed that kokushibu wasn't here either which disappointed tanjiro he wanted to show the upper moon 1 how much he had improved wielding a sword.

Once tanjiro had finished talking to the two moons he followed his father to his office and sat down on a sofa and began telling him everything he had learnt so far from the demon slayer corps.his father listens intently nothing being missed. Once he had finished his report his father nodded and smiled

"Well done tanjiro you have done well to gather this information in such a short time. You put the moons to shame".

Tanjiro nodded and smiled at the praise he was given

He loves it when his father praises him. Tanjiro loved to help out in anyway especially for his father. His father has all ways been there for him now its his turn to do the same.

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