mission 1

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Once the crow had relaxed, tanjiro began his journey to the village where the reports of the missing children are coming from. It took tanjiro a full two days of walking to arrive at the village. Once he had arrived he found that the village was quiet and not many children was out. He swiftly walked up to a pair of adults to ask what's been going on in the village to get a better understand of the situation.  

The adults were very weary to speak to him. But who could blame them? A 12 year old boy carrying a sword and asking about the missing children, while also carrying a suspicious box on his back.

It soon became dark, the quiet village had became a ghost town. As soon as the sun started to set the villages had disappeared into their homes. Tanjiro hasn't learned anything from his time in the village and was getting frustrated. He removed nezukos box and placed it on the floor. He gently knocked on the door before opening it. Nezuko looked up towards tanjiro before moving out the box.

"Can you sense the demon nezuko?" Asked tanjiro. She turned began to look around and shook her head. Tanjiro signed in disappointment.

"Lets start looking for this demon then"

"Ok onii chan"

They kept searching for the demon trying to figure out where it could be. Tanjiro was getting rather annoyed with not being able to find the demons scent or finding any traces of the demon.

Had the crow sent them to the wrong village? Tanjiro's crow had disappeared soon after taking them to the village. It was pitch dark now all the lights were switched off and the entire village asleep.

Tanjiro saw movement from the corner of his eye. Suddenly something jumped out from the bushes and tried to claw him. Tanjiro swiftly grabbed nezuko's arm and jumped away before they could be hurt.

The demon was rather ugly. He had a face only a mother could love.

He was rather short with long matted hair that fell past his shoulder. The demon smelled horrible, it was obvious he hadn't bathed at all. The demon smelled worse then a skunk. His eyes was an ugly muddy brown colour and his face had different shaped markings. Some were square shaped and some were round. The markings were different sizes as well. This demon may have looked good before he was turned but now the demon just looks like a pile of trash left out for too long. It explained why tanjiro couldn't track the demon down. He smelt so bad, he couldn't smell his demonic scent, thats why he couldn't track down the demon.

Now that the demon revealed itself to tanjiro pulled out his sword and took a stance and wait for the demon to make its next move. It narrowed its eyes, tanjiro could feel its anger pouring off it in waves. It shot forward, its claws extended getting ready to slice tanjiro into pieces.

Tanjiro took a deep breath, "dance of the fire god, 6th form Fire wheel!" Tanjiro leaps behind the demon  and spins in the air while attacking in a circular motion. Cleanly cutting off the demons arm. It screeched in anger as it watched its limb fall to the ground.

"How dare you, little boy"

"I'm going to enjoy killing you." It smiled its scent going more and more rotten by the minute.

"I'm going to tear you up slowly and painfully, you will have wished you stayed home like a good boy"

Tanjiro smirked at the demon
"You don't scare me, your so weak and pitiful, it disgusts me having to look into you disgusting face"

The demon stilled after hearing tanjiros words, it looked like he had struck a nerve. The demon started to change, its body becoming larger and his arm swiftly regenerated. He gained more muscle in his arms and legs. He once again charged at tanjiro trying to get a hit on the young boy. Before he could reach tanjiro, nezuko jumped onto his back like a spring board and kicked his head off, the head went flying it didn't stop until it had hit an house. The body began to move toward tanjiro once again. Without the demons head its arms were reached out searching for tanjiro to grab.

"Breath of the fire god, 7th form burning bones" tanjiro sliced off both the demons arms again, the 7th form stopping the demons frontal attacks and slowing down his regeneration, he gets ready for the breath and aims for the demons exposed neck."Breath of the fire god, 8th form Sunflower Thrust". He cuts through the demons neck with ease. The demons body slowly starts to disappear turning into ash, the wind carrying the dust away.

Nezuko walks up to tanjiro. She begins to check tanjiro over to see if he was injured by the demon. She hugs tanjiro once she had finished checking him over. She was always worried about tanjiro's health and liked to mother him. Muzan believes she does this because she most likely had siblings in her human life that she looked and that trait had remained with her.

It was funny watching nezuko go after douma whenever he tried to do anything harmful with tanjiro. She would go after the upper moon 2 for hours until she gave him his punishment for hurting tanjiro. Muzan had decided to send nezuko with tanjiro because of this. He knew she would keep her brother safe from danger. Muzan had also given a large amount of blood to nezuko, so that she would be as strong as an upper moon, as extra just in case. Before tanjiro had left he was also given a vile of blood, this would only be used in emergency, to save tanjiros life and turn him into a demon.

Tanjiro reached out and took nezukos hand, "lets go nezuko" she nodded, her eyes began to drop. "Nezuko you should go to sleep" suggested tanjiro gently nudging her back into the box.

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