the water pillar part 2

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That poor demon never stood a chance against mr emotionless zombie, i bet he might be able to beat douma with his emotionless stare.

Tanjiro didn't really care if the demon died or not. It was the demons job to get stronger so they can be useful to his father but if they are too weak to fight humans then they deserve to die

He watched at the demons body started to crumble away turning into dust before being swept away by the wind. Tanjiro turned to leave annoyed that he was dragged all the way to the village and never even got to kill the worthless demon. Mr emotionless turned around and grabbed tanjiro wrist and pushed him into the wall and pinned him down.

"What are you hiding in that box? I know its demon so don't lie to me" he glared down at tanjiro waiting for an answer. Tanjiro decided it was time to put on his act and began to cry. "N-Nezu-ko is my sister" he began "she was t-turned into a d-demon, i want to help her become h-human again he cried" breaking down in front of the older slayer hoping his acting was convincing enough.

He was released by the older slayer, "show me this demon" tanjiro glared at the older slayer "her name is nezuko!" Yelled tanjiro not impressed by the older slayers attitude he slowly slid nezukos box off his back and played it on the ground and knocked on the door before opening. Nezuko was fast asleep and didnt even wake up when he was slamed into the wall by giyuu. He gently poked nezuko to wake her up but it didnt seem to work and she continued to sleep on. Giyu wasnt impressed when he saw she was fast asleep in the box.

"Why won't she wake up?" He questioned looking at the child sized demon

"Nezuko sleeps to gain energy and to heal herself when shes injured" replied tanjiro, who was used to her falling asleep. "She will wake up eventually"

"Nezuko has never eaten a human" (this was a pretty big lie but he's probably gonna believe what tanjiro says)

Giyu gave tanjiro a blank stared before turning and walking away " i will let her live as long as she never eats a human if she does you must kill her then yourself for her sins"

"Yes! I will make sure she never does" he replied to the retreating figure of the water user.

"Finally hes gone" thought tanjiro. His crow hasnt given him any new orders yet so he might as well travel to tokyo, its long overdue to see his family, his father will be very interested to find out what he had discovered during his time as a demon slayer.

It took many days to reach tokyo. It still is very bright and crowded. Tanjiro could sense many demons blending into the crowd. Sadly he couldnt sense his father or his fathers scent. Oh well thought tanjiro ill just go to fathers mansion and wait there for him. It wouldn't take long for him to notice something different about his house. Tanjiro was rather hungry and decided to stop for some udons at a stall nearby the centre of tokyo. It seemed there was a commotion  going on in the centre. There was lots of yelling. Tanjiro could sense his father nearby and decided to walk towards his father, he slowly began to pick up his fathers scent. It seemed a demon slayer had recognised his father and was yelling about killing his father. It seemed that tanjiros little sister and mother was also there. They were very confused. But who could blame them? Some random person is yelling at him calling him a strange name and talking about killing him. Tanjiros "little sister" spotted him. "Look father, its tanjiro" tanjiro joined them quietly before taking his sister out of this fathers hands and distracting his mother and sister while his father dealt with the slayer.  

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