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After the incident, muzan decided that it would be best if tanjiro began to have more training, so if he was separated from himself or his moons he would be able to protect himself from any dangers. Tanjiro picked up using the sword quickly and was soon very efficient with using the weapon, kokushibou didn't seem that surprised  that the boy had mastered the weapon quickly.

Training with akaza was also going smoothly however it was going at a slower pace then learning how to wield the sword. Tanjiro didn't seem to grasp hand to hand combat but he was slowly improving.

The young demon girl was also being taught how to fight and use her blood demon art. It seemed that she hasn't eaten any human flesh yet and it intrigued muzan. No other demon could resist human flesh after being turned so how could she? After taking  some of her blood, he found that her blood was changing and adapting his blood, so she didn't need to feed. It was fascinating and disappointing at the same time. Muzan wanted to see how much the girl could do however she often fell asleep and wouldn't wake up often sleeping weeks or months at a time. However when she was awake she was with tanjiro, the pair of them were inseparable and tanjiro often called the young demon his sister. With the young demon present muzan knew that tanjiro wasn't going to be lonely anymore and that he would have a friend to play with and keep him company.

Soon kokushibou decided to teach tanjiro the breaths for becoming a slayer, he began to teach tanjiro the basics for total concentration, at first tanjiro struggled to learn how to do the breath, finding it hard to hold it up londer then a couple of seconds at a time,  Kokushibou watched his brothers descendant try to do the basic breath and failing miserable at it.
"Calm down tanjiro and keep your breath even, do a deep breath in hold it and release"

"Make your lungs stronger so you can keep up the total concentration breath up permanently"

Tanjiro nodded following koko's advice, slowing down his breathing and relaxing, he began to breath in holding his breath and releasing, he continued to repeat this action, slowly his lungs began to get stronger and tanjiro was able to hold his concentration up longer. It also helped tanjiro in akazas lessons on hand to hand combat making it easier to deflect akazas blows

After six years of training tanjiro was finally able to fight efficiently and effectively, he no longer found it hard to beat akaza and found it easier to land more and more blows to akaza
Now that tanjiro was 12 he would be able to take finale selection and become a official demon slayer. With all the training tanjiro recived from kokoshibou, tanjiro was a force to be reckoned with when it came down to fighting with the swords, muzan believed that tanjiro was able to pick up the skill quickly because of being the descendant of the original demon slayer. Tanjiro had managed to perform the basics of the dance of the fire god. Apparently being a traditional dance performed every year to ward off evil spirits. When asked about the dance, he replied he learned it from the memories. It was defiantly not the answer he was expecting from the boy.

Muzan had found one of the trainer for the demon slayers and bribed him into taking tanjiro on and sending him to final selection. He wasn't afraid for the boy, he knew tanjiro would come back, after all muzan had him trained by the uppermoons since he could walk.

Muzan watched tanjiro as he went through his final selection. Watching through the eyes of his subjects about to be cut down by his son. They never stood a chance again him, tanjiro was quick one moment he was across the clearing the next moment slicing the neck off the demon. Even the big hand demon never stood a chance, tanjiro quickly avoided all the demons blood demon art and sliced off the head before heading off in another direction. Muzan was proud of his boy, he was going to become a great slayer and eventually a great demon. Muzan was defiantly not letting his son die, he would stay eternally with his father. Tanjiro is going to continue to become stronger in the demon slayers and then when the time is right he will become a demon. Tanjiro knew his role for the demon slayers, join and find out information about the leader and the pillars. Tanjiro accepted this job easily, he wanted to help his father besides he wouldn't be alone as nezuko would be joining him once he had completed finale selection and got his sword. The young demon girl  refuses to leave tanjiro alone, she is always around him, so it was easily decided that she would join him. It also allowed muzan to check up on tanjiro through nezukos eyes to make sure that tanjiro is alright.

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