Nothing Ever Happens

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Everyday, I come to the tavern working my butt off for people's orders. Today was going to be different, two strange men checked in, They were sitting at a table next to the big stoned fireplace, which was against one of the walls. Across from the bar, where I watched them. Cleaning glasses with a wash towel, and soapy water. 

"Eve, go and see what they want or kick them out." My boss said.

I sighed, walking over to them. The younger looking man, around my age. Had brown hair, dark brown eyes, well-built. The other man had gray hair, bright blue eyes. Both of them smiled at me. "Hello, welcome to the Bull Ore Tavern. What would you gentlemen like?"

They looked at each other. "We each would like cup of coffee, black. Please."

I nodded at them. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed two mugs from the shelf. Setting them on a tray, and pulling the coffee off the heater. When I heard a yell come from the back, the storage room. I ignored it and went to what I was doing. I grabbed the tray and walking out to the men. That's when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around.

It was the boss, "I yelled for you, why didn't you come?" He said, slurring half of his words, he was drunk.

"I w-was busy, boss." Backing up a little.

"Don't you run from me!" He yelled. I felt pain shoot across my face, and then into my stomach.

I heard the crash of the tray and mugs. My vision, cloudy and I fall to the ground. I looked around and I didn't see the boss anywhere. I tried to stand, and I almost fall again but arms caught me. It was the young man that ordered the coffee.

"Are you okay?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

I nodded, but he still didn't let go of me. "Go to the back, there is a room." I whispered to him.

He helped me into the back. I sat down, and I finally got back to normal after a couple of minutes. I stood up, and he was over near the kitchen trying to get me some ice for my cheek. I walked to the mirror that was on the wall. A bruise was forming on my right cheek. My black hair was coming out of the bun I had put it in.

My midnight blue eyes stared at me, tired. I walked back over and sat down. He brought the ice over, and kneeled down. He gently put the bag of ice on my cheek.

I gasped, "Thanks." He smiled sadly at me.

I looked up at him, "Have I ever met you before?"

"No, I don't think so... I better get going, are you okay to be left alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, my shift is over anyway. I better get home." I lay the bag of ice down in the sink, and grabbed my bag off the hook next to the door.

"Thank you for everything." I said.

I walked out of the door. I went to the bakery, down the street, and upstairs to my room. I changed and laid down on my bed. I sighed, falling asleep. I dream of the young man, we were holding each other. Then it changed to my tiger, he started chasing me. That was the beginning of many different dreams I had that night.

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