Fez turned back to face the guys, with a big smile giving them two thumbs up. 


The next the Formans sat around the table for lunch.

"Well, Steven, honey, you haven't touched your sandwich. You feel okay?" Kitty asked concerned

"Yeah. I'm just not hungry," Hyde explained 

"Oh, Steven. Are you finally tired of freeloading?" Laurie said smirking

"Can it, Laurie." Kitty warned

Laurie yelled," All I'm saying is Daddy works really hard...and nothing here is cheap." 

"Except you." Eric said, Hyde laughed and Lana high-fived Eric.

"Believe me. I'm not cheap." Laurie smirked

Eric shrugged, "Fine. "Free." Whatever."

"Hey, honey, I'm home!" Leo said stepping in through the back door.

Red sighed, "Oh, good. The hippie's here."

"Hyde, man, your dad come by looking' for you, man," Leo said," Which is really freaky 'cause I thought this bald dude was your dad."

"Thanks, Leo" Hyde said patting him on the back and walking out of the room. Lana wanted to go with him, but she was trying to give him space.

"Steven's father is in town?" Kitty asked looking at the twins.

"Yeah, he's been back for like a year," Lana said after she made sure that Hyde wasn't in the room

Laurie scoffed, "Yeah, right. Like he even knows who his father is."

Lana glared at Laurie, "Laurie, I can't wait for the day you get knocked up. And you have to call every guy in a 50 mile radius to find out who's it is"

"bitch," Laurie mumbled getting up and walking out of he kitchen

"How did you two find out about this?" Red asked

"We bumped into Hyde's dad last night. He'd been back in town, like, a year-hadn't even talked to his own son." Eric explained

 "Cool. Egg salad." Leo said

Kitty sighed, "Well, I'm gonna talk to Steven...and see how he's feeling about this."

"You know what, Mom? I wouldn't do that. Hyde likes to bottle those things up." Eric tried to explain to her

"Good for him! That's where those feelings should be kept!" Red agreed

"Serious mom, just leave it. He'll talk about it when he's ready," Lana tried to reason with her mother.

"Well, what is he gonna do? Pretend he doesn't have a father?" Kitty asked

"Kitty, this is a family issue, and, for once, it's not about our family. Look, the bond between a father and a son...is complex and subtle," Red explained looking across the table,"You wipe that damn smirk off your face!" he yelled at Eric who was trying his best not to laugh.

Lana stifled her laughter by taking another sip of her juice.

"Red, when we took that boy into our home...it became our job to see him through thick and thin...and now its thick-or thin-I don't know, but he needs us!" Kitty exclaimed

"Cool egg salad, man." Leo said again

Lana giggled, "Not the time leo"

"Fine. Stick your nose in where it doesn't belong. Go ahead." Red gave in

"Okay. Will do. Bud's coming' over for drinks tonight!" Kitty said slapping her hand on the table

"Not a good idea" Lana said eating more of her food

"Why not?"

"Uh, Mom, do you really want to invite an alcoholic over for cocktails?" Eric asked

"Oh, right. Okay, well, I'll just, um...I'll make him a nice Shirley Temple... and he can fill up on cheese." Kitty said.

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