74. Departure to Hell Island

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Ye Jiao's clear voice sounded.

The old man sighed to himself as he watched the girl sat down. He turned his head to Zhan Jing. "I don't know what kind of luck you have to be able to find her, but you wouldn't want her existence to be known to the other two. Do you want me to forge her name and age?"

Zhan Jing arched his eyebrows. He stepped forward and crouched before Ye Jiao. "Kid, what's your name that you want to use as assassin?"


"Yeah, you can choose any name that you want."

Hearing that, Ye Jiao pondered for a moment. Her eyes flickered for a second before she smiled again.

"Ai Jiao."

Zhan Jing's eyes widened for a second before nodded his head. "You heard her. She's Ai Jiao."

"Got it."

"How old are you, Ai Jiao?" Zhan Jing asked again.

Ye Jiao furrowed her brows. She had heard their conversation just know and knew how rare it was for nine years old kid to appear.

"10 years old."

"You're pretty small for 10 years old," Lu Wan chuckled. It was pretty obvious from Ye Jiao's appearance that she must be very young, but he wouldn't leak it out. "Have fun, Junior Sister Ai."

"Take care of yourself, Senior Brother," Ye Jiao replied back.

Lu Wan nodded his head. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you," Lu Wan inched closer. "My name is Yu Shui."

"Rainwater*?" Ye Jiao looked at Lu Wan in surprise.

"Compared to your name that means love**," Lu Wan grinned.

Ye Jiao glared at her senior brother. "The pronunciation is different, Senior Brother Yu, so it has different meaning. You need to start learning lesson again."

"Uh no, I have had enough."

The thought of the lesson that his father enforced him made his face pale. Lu Wan would never want to go through that anymore after he was given freedom. It would be better to just focus on his training as martial artist.

At this time, Ye Jiao sensed that the air flow started to move. Her head was tilted to the lake as she saw a large ship approaching them. The large sail was visible even from a long distance, earning awe from the group of children.

"It seems that your transportation has arrived," Lu Wan commented. "See you later, Junior Sister Ai."

"See you in a few months, Senior Brother Yu."

Ye Jiao walked to the front along with the other children. They were following behind the old man, who was waiting patiently for the ship to arrive by the dock. Several men appeared from the ship, wearing dark brown robe. They glanced at the children behind the old man.

"How many children this time?" he asked.

"There are only 14," the old man replied. "The lowest is still light blue color talent. Here's the list."

The man accepted it as he beckoned for the children to get inside. "Are they all orphans?"

"Most of them. One of them is Zhan Jing disciple and the other one is that person's disciple."

"Oh, you have another disciple?" the man turned his head to Zhan Jing. "I wish you luck. It seems that the two disciples might clash."

He knew how these leaders sometimes would pick some talented children to be their disciple. Of course, the precaution was that the children have to have purple talent. Usually, these children would perform much better.

Zhan Jing shrugged. "We shall see who will have the last laugh."

"I see. Time to depart!"

The two of them watched as the man got inside and pulled back the plank. Lu Wan turned his head to his master as the ship started to embark.

"Master, do you think Junior Sister will be alright?"

"She'll be fine," Zhan Jing answered lightly. "I always pick the freak to be my disciple. How can she be ordinary?"

Lu Wan smiled bitterly. Most people just paid attention to the talent, but Zhan Jing always seek the most peculiar disciple. He placed both of his hand behind his back. "Now, what's my training, Master?"

"Come with me."




*Yu Shui (both with third tone) means rainwater

** Ai Jiao (second tone on first and first tone at the second character) meant love

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