Chapter 2 The Execution

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He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his cell. A breath to his right caused him to jump to his feet, arms raised in front of him ready to fight. He lowered them when he saw it was just a scrawny old man, sitting there staring at him. What was he doing here. He needed to get out of this cell and serve the Emperor. He walked over to the cell door and grabbed the iron bars, fists clenching around them. "So I was right, you are one of them now. Calm down son, the guards will come for you any moment now, they know better then to try and keep an Enraldi caged."

He released his grip on the bars and stood perfectly straight and still in front of the doors. "You don't even know who you are anymore, they've turned you into a beast. Well I have a gift for you, Enraldi. And you must not ever forget this. Your name is Rennar. No matter what they choose to call you, never forget that. This is goodbye. I hope we meet again someday. I fear for you that we won't. Goodbye Rennar." The old man was crazy. The Enraldi, or was it Rennar, turned to where the old man had been sitting. The room was empty except for him. He turned back to the door and stood still once more. Maybe he was the crazy one. So be it. So long as it didn't get in the way of his duty to the Emperor it didn't matter. He would keep the name for himself as a reminder.

He stared at the guard walking towards his cell door. When the door clicked open he stepped out and walked past the guard and down the hall. "Wait Enraldi, I need to show you where to go."

He stopped and without turning said, "I am Rennar, and I know where my Emperor needs me. Go back to your post." Rennar started walking forward once more. He new where to go. He could feel where he was needed. It was as if something was pulling him in a specific direction.

He stepped outside and walked outside the gates of the prison compound. He headed to where a crowd had gathered on the left. They were standing gathered around a stage where a man stood in front of the chopping block. A man was on each side of him, holding him in place, they both had a sword at their waste. Another man stood at the edge of the stage and was addressing the crowd. Rennar walked up to another Enraldi who stood straight and still at the back end of the stage, only turning his head to nod at Rennar Then facing straight forward once more.

"This man, known as Seth, is to be beheaded here today. He was caught giving food to several different people. As everyone should know, the law states that if any person cannot fend for themselves, then it is time for them to die. Therefore it is illegal for all to give anyone other then their own spouse and young children anything. They must earn what they need by their own hand after they reach 14 years of age. Does the condemned have any last words?" The man took a step forward and glared at the crowd.

"If it is a crime to feed my brother and his family while his broken arm heals then I will commit it. Every time. Emperor Von'Roth you are a coward. My father told me the story of the Koregai. Of their fall from grace. Of how they became the-" Rennar ran forward and stabbed a sword through the mans back and heart, at the same time the other Enraldi was swinging his sword at the mans neck. From the moment he had said Koregai, Rennar had known that he needed to die. Rennar had quickly ran forward, drawn a sword from one of the men standing beside Seth and stabbed it into Seth's back.

The crowd stood in silence as Seth body fell to the stage, the sword still poking through his back. "You find the brother. I'll get the brothers wife and kids. They were taken prisoner for accepting charity, when the mother should have been working for their living. The brother wasn't worth capturing due to his broken arm." The other Enraldi said, and was gone in moments, already leaving to carry out his task.

Rennar stared at the man who had addressed the crowd and asked, "what is the name of Seth's brother?"

"T-Tassle. His name is Tassle." The man stuttered in fear. Rennar nodded and faced the crowd.

"If any of you know where I can find Tassle tell me now." He stood there, waiting expectantly.

"My lord, Tassle just left that way, in the direction of the east gate." A peasant yelled pointing.

And then it happened. A gray glow emitted from Rennar's left cheek, and the crowd started to scream and run. Leaving the clearing in front of the stage completely empty. Rennar crouched over onto all fours as a demonic scream of pain escaped his lips. His skin started to darken, turning gray. His arms and legs started to bulge, growing thicker and longer. Gray hair started to sprout from all over his skin and horns grew on each side of his head. The eye on his cheek had come to life, no longer looking like a drawing on the skin of his cheek. He could see much further through it then the eyes in the front of his head.

The stage crushed underneath his wait. When he hit the ground he started charging in the direction of the east gate. He pounded down the dirt road, running on all fours. When a house got in his way he leaped onto it, the roof caving in beneath him as he leaped again to the ground behind it. He rammed his way through the fence, leaving it destroyed behind him. Everywhere that he saw people they ran away from him screaming. A path of destruction was left behind him, as he charged through the open gate.

He could see a man with his arm in a cast about to reach the forest ahead of him. Tassle. Everything inside of him screamed to kill Tassle. He rose to his feet and ran forward, able to run faster on them in this open area. Tassle ran into the forest, disappearing from view just ahead of him. He dropped back to all fours just before reaching the forest line and rammed into the trees, his horns getting caught on the trunks, ripping them in half and leaving them to fall behind him. He got about ten feet in before his head rammed into a thick tree, knocking him out. 

A/N: Thank you for reading my story. I will do my best to keep adding to it. I hope that you will comment what you thought, and vote for it if you enjoyed it. Also, any tips or advice is welcome.

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