Chapter 4 Yasin

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Ayamesh stood beside the pit, looking down through the holes in the cage. The rays of the early morning starting to creep above the trees. The Enraldi, no Rennar lay crumbled on the ground. What he wore could barely be called clothes anymore. Ayamesh watched in fascination as Rennars' wounds slowly closed, leaving unmarked skin as the process finished.

    He had recognized that name the minute he'd heard it. Rygon had a brother named Rennar. But that was impossible. When Rygon had comeback to this settlement over seven years ago he'd been devastated.His brother Rennar, and Rennar's wife and child had died in a house fire. It definitely couldn't be the same Rennar. Ayamesh looked closer at Rennar's characteristics. They could be brothers. He'd have to show Rygon when he returned.

    He walked back up the path to the town hall and knelt down in front of his desk, and he began to pray. "I don't know your plan, but I ask that you help me find a way to bring back the Koregai. We, your people have suffered much these three hundred and forty two years since Von'Roth's rise to power. Few know of you in this day, and fewer still believe in you. But I am still, as always thy servant. My Lord Herbadum." Ayamesh rose to his feet once more, his prayer had brought a sense of peace upon him.

    He walked around his desk and sat in his chair, pulling the book towards him he pulled the two sides together. He set the closed book on the table and ran his finger across the title. Yasin. Sighing resolutely he opened to the first page and began to read the book once more, as he had done many times before.

I write this book in fear for my life. Emperor Von'Roth and his Enraldi rule with an iron fist. And they do all that is within there power to quash anything that mentions the Koregai. It has become treason even to say Koregai. If they suspect someone of even thinking it, it's reason enough to be executed. But this knowledge must be preserved, even if only to resist Von'Roth. Something about this knowledge scares him. And so I believe it to be worth the risk, even if I must give my life as price.


The Koregai were Herbadum's Protectors. Righteous men and woman who'd spent nearly twenty years preparing and being tested to ensure they were worthy. If they were found worthy by the counsel of Koregai, they were given Herbadum's blessing. And were human no more. They were Koregai, the defenders of the realm. They ensured peace. None could defeat them, even though so many had tried. Until Von'Roth.

The Fury of The Righteous. It had been the Koregai's greatest strength. Who knew it was also their greatest weakness. It was in the court of King Braun that it began. I was there, in my advisory roll as Herbadum's voice. Jasrin stood on the other side of the king, his eyes a swirling blue fire. He was the leader of the Koregai. The eyes were something all Koregai had. It was how you new what they were. Everyone breathed easy when the Koregai's eyes shined blue.

The doors opened, and the palace guards led them in. The reason we were in the court room. Three villagers wearing loose robes, hoods covering their faces. King Braun glanced nervously at Jasrin, then back at the villagers clearing his throat.

"You have my permission to address the court. Briefly report why you're here." The king commanded, his voice full of sorrow. One of the peasants stepped forward and began to speak.

"My King, my lords, I am Denton, from the village of Sahrn." His voice was weak and raspy, causing me to cringe at its sound. "Five days ago a group of bandits raided Sahrn. They came before daylight, murdering the young and the old as we slept. The rest of us they enslaved. Sybil, Reeve and I escaped. Before we got away, we overhead some of our captors talking. They were planning to raid Kisha village and build a base there."

"Who was the leader of this group, and when did they plan on attacking Kisha?" Jasrin stepped forward all of his attention focused on Denton.

"My lord Koregai, if they followed their plans Kisha would have been overtaken yesterday. They call their leader Commander Von'Roth." Denton replied.

"Show us your face Denton, I will see what your hood is hiding from my site." Jasrin demanded the building rage plain to hear in his voice. Denton lowered his hood, dropping his arms to his side. The memory of his face makes me shudder even now, as I write this to the page. His left eye had been burned out, his face covered in horrid burns. It was then that the flame in Jasrin's eyes had turned a bright red. The Fury of The Righteous had been awoken.

Great white wings sprang from Jasrin's back, fully out stretched. The tips of the feathers matched the burning red of his eyes. He jumped into the air, the soles of his feet reaching well above twice my height. And like that he was off, soaring through an open window above.

The sound of the door into the town hall opening interrupted him. Ayamesh looked up as Lea and Rygon walked in. He stood as they walked toward his table. "I'm glad to see you both made it. Please, have a seat. The others?" He waited until they were sitting before sitting back down himself.

"Durin and Trent went to their homes. Tassle's family is alive and well. By now they're with him." Lea said, her words slurring slightly as her eyes began to droop.

"You have done well this night Lea, we can talk more after you get some rest."

Lea stood up slowly and yawned, "good night sir, or good morning I suppose." Rygon began to rise as well.

"Rygon, I'm glad you're here. I realize you must be exhausted but I would speak with you." Ayamesh said as he reached across the table,placing his hand on Rygon's shoulder.

"Lea, let that sister of yours know her husband is safe, and give Layla a kiss from her father will you?" Rygon asked as he sat back down. Lea waved in acknowledgment and stepped out, closing the door behind her. "What's this about sir?"

"How long has it been since you're brothers death?" Ayamesh asked cautiously, watching the sorrow flash across Rygons eyes.

"It's been nearly eight years now sir. But I don't understand why you're asking me about him." Rygon asked, the curiosity evident in his voice.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to need you too come with me. There's something I want you too see." Ayamesh stood and began to lead the way outside, Rygon following silently behind him.

A/N: Thank you for reading my story. I will do my best to keep updating it. I hope that you will comment what you thought, and vote for it if you enjoyed it. As always, any tips or advice is welcome.

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