Chapter 12 The Death of A God

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Jasrin stared at the bones by his feet as he absorbed everything his god had told him. The bones of the last man he'd killed. "I trained for twenty years. Twenty years to join the ranks of your righteous protectors: The Koregai. It was another forty-three years before I became their commander. I've been alive for 426 years, and I could only be considered good for eighty-four of those years. It could be another hundred years before I die. How could I ever hope to right the wrongs I've done?" He slowly raised his eyes up to Herbadum's face.

Herbadum winced and stumbled forward, his face scrunching tightly in pain. He grabbed Jasrin's tunic tightly. "You can never undo what's been done, but you can always work to change what's to come," he gasped as his hands slid slowly down Jasrin's clothes, and he fell to the floor.

Jasrin placed his hands on Herbadum's shoulders and pulled him firmly to his feet. He stared deep into Herbadum's eyes and said, "To change what's to come... I'd give everything that I am for the chance."

"You're still alive Jasrin, you have that chance. This body is failing me, it won't be long before Herbadum no longer has that chance," Herbadum said.

"You're a God! How could you no longer have that chance? I don't understand," Jasrin's grip on Herbadum's shoulders tightened as his knees began to tremble.

"I am a God... and yet, I'm not. Just as Von'Roth is now. Very soon the part of me that is not a God shall die. And I'll be a God once more."

"I don't understand my God, and yet, I trust that you do. I suppose that's what matters. I'm still alive... my doubt holds me prisoner to Von'Roth..." His head drooped as he trailed off into silence, his knees no longer shaking. He released Herbadum's shoulders and stepped back before kneeling on the ground. His arms were stretched out in front of him, his head bowed. "My God, I beg that you will hear the request of one not worthy to be in your presence."

Herbadum stared at Jasrin stretched before his feet, his pain temporarily forgotten. "What would you ask of me?"

"This valley is more of a prison then it seems. Someone, I can only assume Von'Roth, made it impossible for an Enraldi to leave once it's entered this valley. I watched as one of the Enraldi was pulled inside by the Enraldi he had thrown in. His companions threw a rope down to him. He couldn't even reach his hands above the top of the wall.

"Of course, this was not the first attempt to leave this prison. I myself have tried many times. I even dug this cave in an attempt to tunnel out. It's impossible for me to go any further at a certain height or distance. I ask that you release me from this cage," Jasrin said.

"I could tear down the barrier that is holding you in. However, by doing that I would release all of you. Solanth wouldn't be able to handle some of the monsters kept behind these walls. Stand up Jasrin," Herbadum said. He walked over to the cave wall and pressed his cheek against the dirt, closing his eyes.

Jasrin stood and watched his God curiously.

"I can feel it, the barrier. I will help you. I won't take the barrier down, Von'Roth would notice that and I wouldn't unleash The Ancient Ones upon this world. But I will change the barrier. You want out of your cage? Then free yourself. From this day forward the only thing holding anyone in The Broken Valley shall be their hearts disposition," Herbadum said.

"Thank you Herbadum, for giving me this chance. I won't fail you again," Jasrin said, his eyes beginning to water.

"See that you don't. This is goodbye, I will return again." Great white wings sprang from Herbadum's back. He ran and jumped off of the cliff at the caves entrance, wings spread out and flapping as he soared into the air.

Jasrin ran to the caves entrance and watched as his God flew up, stopping to hover just below the invisible barrier. Herbadum reached his hand up and pressed it into the air. Glowing blue cracks rippled across the sky, originating from where his hand pressed. The cracking ripples began to grow like great waves in the ocean, spreading across the sky above them. One final wave shot from Herbadum's hand, and quickly rolled across the sky.

Herbadum's wings stopped flapping after that last wave, and he began to plummet to the ground. He closed his eyes and relaxed as his body fell through the air. It was time to leave Herbadum behind. He released his hold on the body that had housed him all these years and it fell out of him. The essence that was Thenatsun (Thehn-aht-soon) observed as Herbadum, his shell, struck the ground. It watched as Jasrin roared in anger, head thrust towards the sky. It watched as Jasrin's body began to quickly change, showing the beast he was.

Thenatsun thought of all the mortals it had cared for as Herbadum. To think Thenastun had stayed in that old and fragile body so long for them. That was the problem with connecting with the flesh. You grew emotions. You began to care, or not Thenatsun thought, considering Chianthenar. You could also begin to hate. Chianthenar. Thenatsun had worked so hard to deny his brother... that wasn't the right word. The flesh was influencing Thenatsun even now. When had he started considering himself a he?

Thenatsun focused back on Chianthenar. He had worked so hard to deny his brother a host to meld with. And then one of his own trainees, Von'Roth had come. Chianthenar would pay for that insult. These humans he had allied with as Herbadum, they hadn't been a complete waste of effort. He had even made arrangements for his next host. Two arrangements.

Thenatsun thought of Ayamesh and he was there, watching as Ayamesh stood before the people of Bistrolle, getting ready to address them all. Thenatsun would pay the price of wearing the flesh once more. Then the humans would help him defeat Chianthenar for good. And then Solanth would belong to him. For good. As had been agreed upon.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed learning more about Herbadum's (Thenatsun's) & Von'Roth's (Chianthenar's) origin. Let me know what you think! As always I appreciate your thoughts and opinions on my writing. Also, I love to hear any theories you might have.

The EnraldiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora