One Misstep (part 2)

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Marinette and Alya did some research that night, and eventually came to the conclusion that Cat Noir had a variant of something called "Panic Disorder". The question of what to do about it remained. He had to stay a secret at all costs. If Hawkmoth found out about his struggles, or his whereabouts....

...Let's just say it would be very, very bad.

"We'll keep thinking, alright? In the meantime, you should get some rest. It was a long day." Alya looked tired as well, but she didn't complain, and Marinette didn't have the energy to point it out.

"Yeah. G'night, Al," she sighed, smiling faintly. They ended the video call. Marinette groaned, flopping down on her bed.

After Cat Noir's panic attack, tension settled over everyone. Alya was shocked and worried. Marinette shared her concern, and she was guilty her friend had been mixed up in it all. Her parents knew something was up and gave them space. Cat Noir... to be honest, it was hard to tell; he hadn't said a word the rest of the afternoon, and avoided eye contact altogether. If she had to guess, it seemed like he was frustrated with himself.

Wait a second. Now that I'm thinking about it, when was the last time I saw that happen? Days? Even when he first got here there was at least one flash daily, and they're worse now.

Is he... hiding them?

Marinette forced herself to get up and ready for bed. After saying goodnight to her parents she knocked on Cat Noir's door, but he didn't respond.

Give him space, her instincts said. Talk tomorrow.

So grudgingly, she turned and headed to her room.

"Plagg, after you finish your cheese, why don't you go find Tikki? You could chat. I have some stuff to do, so I'll be up for a bit."

The overdramatic black Kwami stretched on Adrien's pillow, whining. "After all this time with so little food, you expect me to socialize?! I don't even want to talk to her!"

Adrien just watched him with raised eyebrows.

Finally, Plagg gave in. "Fine. I guess a little talk would be alright. BUT I'M BRINGING CAMEMBERT."

He snatched some more cheese and shot out the window, secretly eager to see his fellow Kwami. The boy just chuckled to himself. Adrien's smile quickly dropped again.

He got off the bed, lowering himself to reach underneath the mattress. The object he borrowed from downstairs was hidden there, and he'd used it several times already. He didn't want anyone to know about this. That's why he sent Plagg away.

After staring at it for a long moment, fighting a flash, Adrien shook himself. Better have his fun quickly or his Kwami would return, and then everyone would know.


The video was ready. He'd done some trimming, and some additional editing to make it appear as though someone were holding the camera (as opposed to a tripod).

Two copies. One for social media. One for the police.

With the press of a button, they were sent.


When Marinette woke up the next day, it was late. She'd been allowed to sleep in because it was Sunday and because of how busy yesterday was. Still, 11:35 was slightly ridiculous.

Flashes: Miraculous Ladybug (complete)Where stories live. Discover now