🍋Teacher!Fallacy x Student!Encre pt.2🍋

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Lemon chapter!

**Fallacy's POV**

To say I wasn't surprised to see who I would be working wither would be a complete lie. My old student was here, well transfer student. Here he was, the same french accent, small height, cute eye lights, small frame, Cute little smile....EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM WAS SMALL!

"Bonjour again, it's been a while hasn't it?" He spoke with a soft tone but that smile never left his skull. I nodded and made my way towards him after placing some books down.

"Indeed it has Encre right? What made you come back?" I asked him as I watched him set himself on top of a table, his legs swinging back and forth. I listened to him giggle, him raising his hand to try cover the noticeably rainbow blush that invaded his cheeks.

"Well, I guess a certain someone was kept in the back of my mind and after I graduated from my school in Paris and I just had to come back! My family was cool with it and that's when I asked Mr Dog if I may teach French. He said yes so here we are now," He looked into my eyes, a glint or shine swept across his own. I huffed out gently and smiled.

"A certain someone eh? Who may that of be?" I asked, a little paranoid that he had already been with someone before I could- WHAT AM I SAYING!

"That certain someone is y-" The bell cut him off as he stopped talking soon after. I frowned a little, looks like I'll have to ask him after the lesson. Encre smiled and jumped off the table as students began to file into my room, walking to their respective seats. I watched as Encre waved to some, smiling at them. I couldn't help but feel my non-existing stomach drop at his friendliness towards them. In shook my skull and walked away, back to my seat at the front of the classroom.

"Bonjour everyone. Today's lesson will we be having another teacher to help. This is Mr-"

"Please everyone, just call me Encre. No formalities is needed." He interrupted me with a sly smirk. I gave a sly smirk of my own and a bunch off 'ooos' where heard around the classroom.

"Okay everyone, calm down. Now in today's lesson we will be learning about-"

"Sir do you go out with Encre?" A student asked, which made a yellow lemon blush appear on my skull. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"I-I do not think t-that is appropriate to say Miss Skyler."

"OOOOO look, sir is blushing!" Another student shouted out. A bunch of comments were erupting in the class about me and Encre being together. I tried to say something to get them to be quite but I was so shocked and embarrassed, I couldn't get a word out.

I looked over at Encre and saw he still had his rainbow blush but it was wayyy deeper in colour. Kinda makes him look cute. Encre locked eye lights with mine and he clapped soon after seeing my distress.

"Okay everyone, calm down. Me and Mr Fallacy are not together, although he is Tres Beau (Very handsome)." Everyone went silent in the classroom, all the students were very confused with Encre's words. Me on the other hand, He just called me handsome!

'Gosh Encre, can you get any more adorable.......FUCK IT! I'm in love with him!" I thought as I was about to speak again til another student spoke up, casing the class to get off track again.

"What does 'tres beau' mean Encre?" They asked.

"Okay class no more interruptions, search it up when you get home or something but for now, lets get back to learning.-"

"It means very handsome," Encre muttered very quietly. Some students that were around Encre heard him and laughed a little, some ever nudging him an whispering, 'Go get im'.

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