Chapter Twenty-Two

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Dean nodded and dug into his food, but not taking his eyes off Cas.

'You're staring,' Cas said eventually.

Dean put his fork down. {I like looking at you}

Cas rolled his eyes. 'And?'

{We should call your doctor-}


{Why not? She can send an emergency paper to-}

{I don't want to waste time}

{It's not wasting time. I don't mind going home a different route}

{It's just two more days}

{Two days you'll be sick for}

{I'll survive}

Dean groaned and leaned back in his chair. {Why are you so stubborn about this?}

{There's no need to inconvenience anyone. It's not life or death. It's my fault I forgot them}

{But it's not an inconvenience}

Cas just shook his head and went back to his food.

Dean grumbled under his breath, but Cas pretended he didn't hear anything.

Once he'd finished his food, Cas picked up his hot water bottle and went back to bed, while Dean cleaned up the room.

'What should we do tonight?' Cas asked, staring at the ceiling. 'How tired are you?'

Dean lay down beside him. {I am tired. Maybe you can drive tomorrow}

'I can't. I don't have a license.'

Dean looked incredulous. {You know how to sail but not how to drive?}

'I know how to drive, I just never took my test.'

{You have to do that when we get back}

'As if you'd ever let me drive your car anyway.'

{Good point}

Cas laughed and shuffled closer, so Dean could put an arm around him.

Without even getting under the covers, both of them fell asleep before the sun had even gone down.

When Cas woke up, it was just before dawn, and his cramps had dissipated, but replaced with a dull ache across his back and shoulders. He lay in silence, waiting for the sun to come up. Although he shouldn't have, he allowed his mind to wander, and was soon thinking about his family.

'When I was little,' he murmured, not entirely sure that Dean was awake, 'I wanted to be just like my dad. I thought he was the most important person in the world. Always wearing nice suits and always said such long words. When I was older, I realised that they didn't actually mean he was important, but that's not the point. I wanted to be just like him. I even went to the office with him a few times and made extra sure I didn't interrupt or make any noise. I thought if I could do everything just right, he'd see my potential and what I could do. This was before I knew about...'

Dean then confirmed he was awake and listening, by softly tracing around Cas's temple with his fingers.

'Your family are great,' Cas continued. 'They accepted you - and me - without question... I wish my dad could do that.'

Dean sighed and kissed him on the forehead.

'I wish I could go back to when I thought there was still a chance I could convince him to care for me.'

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