CH 31

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Matt's POV

Sophia opened the car door and started walking towards Dallas I'm guessing. I was planning to let her walk because she would probably end up coming back, but when she kept walking I decided to go after her and apologize. I opened the door until Kian talked to me.

"Let her walk Matthew", Kian said calmly.

"Dude r u crazy some phyco can take her or somet-"

"She needs her space", Kian still said calmly.

"She needs her space. Shawn can be here the least u know"

"Just let her go. Not like break up with her just let her walk. She's sooner or later going to call or text us to come get her"

"I guess ur right", I closed the door and looked out the window.

Sophia's POV


I heard my phone notify me on the table across from my bed. I opened my eyes and I looked out the window and saw that it was still dad outside. It was probably Kian or Matt checking up on me. I decided to ignore it and go back to sleep.


There it goes again.

"Ughhhh", I got up and trudged my way to my phone. I looked and saw that it was Matt. It kept binging and when I silent it, it keeps vibrating and I can't turn it off so I made my way to the mini fridge and I placed it inside. I don't really care if it breaks because I need a new phone anyway.

I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Is that how I really look?" I was pretty shocked by my appearance. I noticed that I lost a lot of weight so it's probably my eating disorder acting up. I put my hair in a bun and washed my face. I put on last nights clothes and decided to go buy some clothes onside ring that I don't have any.

I grabbed my debit card and headed out, leaving my phone in the fridge. I stepped in the elevator and clicked the lobby button. Right when the door was about to close I heard someone yell.

"Wait!", a girl slightly yelled. I clicked he button that opens the elevator door and the girls face came into view.

"On my god thank u so much I am so late."

"No problem". The girl looked at me and just stared at me.

"Um can I help u?"

"U look really familiar.", she asked still staring at me

"I get that a lot". I kept looking at the door and still felt her eyes on me.

"I remember. Ur that girl from Vine. Sophia right?"

"That's me"

"I remember watching a few of ur vines and they made me laugh pretty hard can I get a picture please?"

"Sure". We snapped a pic and the elevator finally opened. The girl said bye and ran away. I walked slowly to the exit while looking up what's next to the hotel. I saw that Acne Studios was on he same street so I decided to walk there.

When I entered the store I wanted almost everything. I ended up buying 2 scater shirts, a flowy flower shirt, a pair of light blue jeans, and a beanie. I walked back toward the hotel and I was walking behind these 2 teenage girls.

"Lexi we have to go. Kian freaking Lawley is going to be their"

"Molly we won't even be able to see them. Do u know how many people r going to be their?!"

"Please Lexi. It's not far from out hotel"

"No", I heard the girl name Molly sigh and go on her phone. I was still walking behind them and than Molly screamed and jumped up and down. Lexi joined in and they started running. I looked who they were running to and saw that it was Kian.

I decided to enter from the back of the hotel not to get seen until a few teenage girls started running towards me screaming my name. I decided to make a run for it. I didn't run because I didn't want to take a picture with them or talk to them. I ran because I didn't want to see Kian or Matt.

I ran pretty fast and ended up running through the lobby of the fancy hotel. I clicked the elevator button, but it was taking too long, so I ran to the stairway and made my way up to the 19th floor.
I made it safely to my room and placed my bags in my bed.

"Now that's a workout". I walked toward my window and walked into the balcony. I was pretty high so I could see a few streets across. I saw a large pack of girls and ended up sitting and watching the cars drive down the road.

"Life is way too hard for a human being to endure"

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