CH 45

297 10 0

Sophia's POV

People come and go. People are just like pit stops. U come to the stop, get some gas or food or go to the restroom or even just relax and breath either fresh air or chemicals getting sucked into ur nose type of air. U r aware u cannot be their forever because u have to move on. So after doing what has to be done u leave, maybe u forget that place and u never come back because the travel was just a hassle.

My parents came, but they left. I came somewhat happy to amazing friends and I left broken to somewhat amazing friends. We r all born into the same world and we go when it is our time. We come to a school to learn the ever advancing curriculum each year until there is nothing left for teachers to teach. So we move on to a more advanced environment until we leave that too. The main point is that good memories, events, places, and people never last forever.

Leaving anywhere is hard. Moving from a house to another may be difficult because of the memories. Moving from a state to another may be difficult through all the memories as well but also leaving behind friends that became part of your family. Leaving a place where u took vacation at may be difficult because u believe that no other place can be more beautiful. Same with people.

I believed that it is possible to leave from family. It wasn't so hard to leave from my parents because, well, their my parents. But leaving many friends that u created a bond with and they somewhat became the parents u never had is hard. Then again, leaving friends behind that believe u are a complete whore is different.

It's like if someone who constantly gets bullied at school moves half way across the country and transfers to a new school where s/he gets respected and acknowledged they feel relief, their supposed to feel more content with themselves. Unlike me, feeling the same no matter what happens to me.

Flying away basically from ur family that loves u, well likes u, is hard. Opening the front door of my house that I constantly got tormented in is hard. Walking into my bedroom where I was abused was hard, but remembering where I hid my possessions made a smile appear. I walked over to my closet and removed a loose tile from the floor. I grabbed a medium sized box and placed it in front of me.

I removed the wallet, which contained a good thousand dollars I stole from my parents over a long period (periodolically) of time, I removed a few pictures I had with my grandparents and me as a baby, and I also removed a necklace my aunt gave to me before she past away. I smiled back at the memories. The good memories. I left one thing in the book and that was the IPad I got as a gift from one of my lovely neighbors. I stared at it with disgust, but I had to thank it for my new beginning.

I replayed almost everything that happened after I received it. I replayed everything that has happened after I downloaded Vine. I replayed everything that has happened after I fell in love with Matthew. My eyes started to water but I quickly blinked them away. I placed everything gently back in the box and placed the box back underneath the tile. I sat cross crossed thinking about my come and go experience with Viners and YouTubers.

"What a journey that has been", I whispered to myself. "Great Sophia now ur talking to yourself. Side note don't talk to yourself. Another side note, don't take side notes". I stood up and left my room. I stood in the living room until my phone buzzed. The only buzz I have gotten in more than 24 hours.

I'm sorry. About what I can't even recall anymore. I'm sorry for breaking u and not fixing u like I had promised. I'm sorry that I broke your heart and possibly your soul, but I wish u luck on adventures to come for both u, me, and everybody else in this god damn surprising world. I will never remember u as a pit stop, as u have explained to me a long time ago during the prehistoric age which u may not remember ( oh but I do ), but there r too many pit stops to count and to remember, but know this, it takes just one memory to let that person remember everything about that "pit stop". And by now u should know that I'm not just referring to a smelly pit stop, but to u and me. I wish u happiness and know that I will love u till the end of time.

Saying I teared up is an understatement. I truly sobbed, but not as long as I expected to. I thought about what he said. He knows me too well.

To Matt:
I'm sorry as well, but for what I'm not exactly sure because I can't state something without my friends I consider family calling me a rude name or giving me a look. It's not ur fault that u couldn't fix me, but mine not allowing u to fix me. U know me too well that I am referring to u and our other friends as pit stops. It may take just one memory to spark recognition in the pit stop, but it can also that one memory that can create hate and sadness upon the specific pit stop. U may have broken my heart, but u have not reached my soul. And let me tell u Matthew it has been a privilege to have my heart broken by you. This world is surprising and I as well wish u happiness to the years to come. And please stop with the Lana references because when I listen to one of her songs I instantly cry because of all the hidden meaning within the words. Love u to the stars and back because many stars are farther from the moon...

I sent it, with me feeling happy that both me and Matt can release each other. I was shocked to hear my phone ding and see a notification from Matt again.

There's no remedy for memory your face is like a melody and it won't leave my head. And trust me it will never leave my head. I will only stop with the Lana quotes after u stop with Fault In Our Stars references. Okay Brooklyn Baby?

To Matt:
Okay Million Dollar Man.

And our conversation with us being more than a hundred thousand miles away from each other sparked a happier and stronger relationship. Our conversation sparked a new beginning...


Okay well that's the end.


It took me a little while to think of a reference to end and I wanted to end it with a Fault in our stars one but I ended up doing both FIOS and Lana. Again I'm sorry I haven't updated, but as I said before I was thinking about a Hayes Grier story and I decided that I'm going to write one and I promise that I will update sooner. I will also post updates about when I actually write it.

Thank u ALL for more than 5k and putting up with me and the story, but I'm going to try and promise y'all that the new fan fic will be wayyyyyyy more organized and worth an update wait.


New Beginnings - MAGCONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora