CH 19

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Sophia's POV
I woke up to Kian snoring and a horrible headache. He had his arm around my waist so I started to wiggle out of his grasp trying not to wake him up. When I got out of bed I went to the bathroom to get washed up. I got some clothes and went to the bathroom closing the door silently.

"Is that rally how I look?", I whispered to myself while looking at the mirror. I shacked my head and hopped in the shower. After I turned of the water I heard someone yawning. I quickly got dressed and opened the door to see a very tired looking Kian.

"Mornin", I said

"Morning. My head hurts", he said while yawning

"Mine too"

He walked in the bathroom and I went downstairs to get some breakfast. When I walked down the stairs I saw Dixie cups scattered everywhere and bodies all around the house. What the hell. When I stepped over all my friends I made my way to the kitchen. I saw a very sleepy looking Nash.

"Hey. Um what the hell happened last night", I asked

"Let's just say things escalated quickly"

"R u sure no ones dead", I asked a bit worried

"I guess we'll find out soon"

I heard footsteps and saw Kian coming down the stairs with a shocked expression.

"What the hell happened?"

"That's exactly what I said"

After we finished our breakfast which was strawberry pop tarts we decided to pick up the trash. It took us about an hour to pick up all the trash and another hour wiping up substances around the house. It was around 1 when we finished and we decided to check if anyone's dead. I stopped Kian before he was about to shake Jc so I can take a pic and post it on Twitter.

"Hey Nash, where's ur blow horn?"

He ran to he kitchen silently and came back with 3 blow horns. He gave us them and started a countdown and I decided to Vine it.

"Look at all those chickens", I said in the camera.

"3-2-1 go"

"WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA" ( I DONT KNOW HOW THEY SOUND) Everyone jumped up and they all looked like they were getting possessed. I posted it on Vine and everyone looked SO mad. At least no ones dead.

"Can't u just wake us up normally", Jc asked

"Now what fun would that be?"

"Whatever", he said while going in the kitchen

"Brush ur teeth Jc because ur mouth smells NASHTY", I laughed looking over to Nash

"Did u guys drink last night?", Nash asked

"A little. well maybe a lot. I don't think nothings left in ur cabinet"

Nash ran over to the cabinet and Jc was right. It was empty

"Assholes", Nash muttered under his breath

I laughed and went to the living room and started to watch tv. I was scrolling through the channels when i saw "The Proposal"

"OH MY GOD YASSSSS", I screamed

I literally adore this movie. I think I know everyone's line. I was enjoying the movie until I heard a car door slam. I went over to the window and saw a taxi. I was looking to see if they dropped someone off here, but the car just drove away. I started walking over to the couch until the door bell rang. I jumped because I got so scared.

"GOD DAMMIT", I yelled walking towards the door. I kept whispering to myself 'Please don't be Matt, Please don't be Matt, Please don't be Matt'. I was about to open the door until Kian stepped in front of me.

"Go", he told me

I listened to him and walked back to the couch. I heard him open the door and he said come in.

"Um Sophia"

I turned around and saw... Kristen?

"Kristen. What r u doing here?", I was so shocked

"DiduansweranyofMatt'scallsortexts?", She asked frantically

"What! Talk slower ur not making any sense". She took a deep breath and repeated her self.

"Did u answer any of Matt's calls or texts?"

"No I don't want to talk to him or think of him. Why?"

"U know he tried to kill himself"


"After u left, my mom told me that Matt ran to her and yelled to her while crying and he went upstairs and literally pulled Bobby by her hair out of the house and yelled at her. He kept saying "I hate vine" and "Stupid numbers" and he locked himself in his room. My mom left him alone because she said that he needed some space, but this morning when I came she was trying to break down the door.

"N", she cut me off
"When it fell we saw a few empty pill bottles and a rope hanged on his fan. We found him in his bathroom with his elbows on the counter and his head in his hand. He didn't cut himself or anything, but he truly wanted to die"

"Where is he"

"At home we rushed him to a hospital and they said that he will be fine. He told us he can't forgive himself and that he hated how numbers changed his life"

"Like followers numbers?"


"This is all my fault if I just haven't walked out on him like that."

"Y did u walk out?", She asked confused


"Oh. Her. Look I don't expect u to forgive him, but can u at least call him or text him"

"I'll go over now to see him"

I got my phone and charger and walked outside. I called a cab and Kristen followed me. The cab driver picked us up and I flew off to Virginia once again with Kristen. I really need to apologize to him. I'm so sorry Matt. I really am.

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