CH 12

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Sophia's POV

My head hurt. A lot. My back hurt to. I managed to open my eyes and they were really crusty. My chest hurt too and I just need something to take the pain away. I looked around the bed to find the nurse remote and it was hanging on the wall next to my bed. I tried reaching it, but it was no use. Y would they hang it, god people aren't smart sometimes.

I was in pain and no one knew? I tried reaching it again, but I felt this sharp pain on my stomach. I looked at my robe and saw blood taking over the white fabric. I lifted it and noticed that I had stitches and a few came out. Now I feel nauseas. Great. (Notice the Sarcasm.)

My throat was sore and I'm sure if I tried to call someone it will do my vocal chords no good and no one would hear. There is this little nightstand really close to my bed and I made it fall. Well apparently their was a glass somewhere because I heard glass shatter. Immediately nurses came rushing in and asking if I was alright.

Well no I'm not alright because I tried getting the remote which was too high and my stitches came un done which made me nauseas and I couldn't speak which made me upset and mad at myself and had to stretch my body and push with all my might for the cabinet to drop and glass went everywhere so I'm not having such a great time.

The nurse lift up my shirt and went to the side of the room and got a needle. Is she serious. She stitched me up that second and it didn't hurt one bit. Later the nurse left to get me some pills. Shit my parents. This will not turn out well. The nurse came back with Advil and some other stuff that should ease my pain. I asked her for my phone and she gave it to me and left.

Before she went out the door I asked if Matt can come in because well he basically saved me, but she says I'm not mentally stable. Not mentally stable my ass.

When I clicked the home button I saw more then 50 notifications full of missed calls and messages. My parents just my luck. They were really ugly. One of the messages that stood out to me was from my moms. "Well sweetie I played nice with u. Watch ur back". Well so much for telling me u miss me.

I had many mixed emotions right now. First I was scared. My whole life was me trying to run away from my parents, but know they will be running after me. Second I was in shock because when I saw the date I went ballistic. And lastly I was mad at myself. For what I don't know.

I guess I had to many emotions for my heart because my blood pressure went really high. They confiscated my phone and now I am not mentally stabled. Someone stabbed a needle in my arm


Ow my throat. My eyes started to get heavier. I looked at the doorway and saw a body their. Matt. I saw him rage in anger. Something looked strange about the nurse who stabbed the needle in my arm. She looked like my mom. OH SHIT. THATS MY MOM. Maybe she injected something poisonous into me. I saw Matt punch her in the face. God that was a pleasant sight I wish I can do that. She fell on me and I closed my eyes.

My head throbbed and I probably looked like a wreck. I felt a strong grasp around my waist and slowly opened up my eyes. Matt was carrying me and while I looked around the floor I saw not one nurse or doctor. While we were close to the exit I noticed all my friend rushing to me. I saw their mouths moving but only muffled voices.

The last thing I saw was Matt looking straight at my eyes and mouthed something. I think he told he mouthed 'Please stay. I love you'

This will not end well. The last time a guy told me that he loves me he vanished. Like he evaporated into thin air. I didn't hear from him for over 4 years. Ever since he vanished I always think my parents had something to do with it. Now I'm pretty sure that I would vanish just like he did.

Matt's POV

I heard someone scream "u asshole" and it made me chuckle. I realized that it was Sophia's and I saw her mom in their? I ran through nobody. There was nobody their at all.

I saw her mom injecting something into her arm and I punched her. I know it's not right to hit a women, but it's not right injected something into ur daughters arm dressed as a nurse. Sophia's eyes were closing so I had to get her out of here. I pushed her mom aside and picked Sophia up. She was so light and I noticed her scars on her arm. I ran out of the room and looked for the exit. Everyone started running toward us and her eyes opened slightly.

"Please stay. I love you"

Her eyes closed and Carter found the exit. We went down the stairs and ended up on the 8th floor. I screamed for help and a nurse came running towards to us. I made sure it wasn't her mom and followed her. I placed her onto a hospital bed and the nurse took her blood pressure. It was really low so she ended up taking out a needle.

"What's that?", I pushed her hand away,

"Son if u want her to survive please move ur hand"

I moved aside and she injected it in her arm. She grabbed both her arms and she told me that her blood pressure is rising. I saw her eyes pop out of her head ,literally, when she saw Sophia's arm.

"Surprising right. A beautiful person with cut wrists", I let out this long sigh that I didn't even know I was holding.

"It's surprising what we can hide from everyone."

"What do u mean?"

"There is a story behind every person. There is a story behind every set of words. She may look like nothing is wrong, but she can be killing herself mentally and physically. So what exactly happened?"

"Well she was in a coma and then she died and them she came back to life. She got in the coma by intoxicating herself and she cut herself pretty deep"

"So she's not mentally stable"

"No she is, she's just under a lot of stress from school and hate from social media that's all."

"Son, if she tried killing herself she's not mentally stable. I know it may be hard to understand, but it's life. We go through a lot of shit"

"Um if u don't mind please stop calling me son and she is stable."

"Um son...i mean"


"Matt, if one tries to take their life they r not mentally stable. Now if u can please excuse me because I need to get back to work."

"U r working. Taking care of Sophia"

"She is not the only patient here. Now can u please excuse me I have to get back to work and take care of sicker people than Sophia."

"What do u mean sicker"

"Take a hint would u"

Well she isn't getting a goodbye when we leave.


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